Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Open Conversation

  The next morning, a loud clanging erupted from the other side of the cell door. It swung open and six fully armed guards marched inside.

   Bluestone sat up and smiled. "Well, well. Aren't we popular today?" But they just ignored her and unlocked the ring that held her chains to the bed.

   "Lucky you." The tallest one said. "You're being moved into the palace." She raised one elegant eyebrow, but allowed them to lead her away.

   One guard held up a curious device. It was an iron plate shaped in the form of a jaw with cloth lining the inside. Three leather straps belted together behind Bluestone's head to keep the device in place. The guard applying it smiled sheepishly. "Sorry Silvertongue," he said, "but Durza is convinced your words are infused with magic." Bluestone only nodded, not bothering to resist her bonds.

   They lead her through a series of twisting staircases and elongated halls, passing no one but other guards and a few servants. Finally, a wide hall with great carved doors stood in front of them. The tallest guard broke the circle around Bluestone and banged on the crack of the doors. They swung open slowly with nary a sound.

   The tall guard fell back into formation and Bluestone was lead into a humongous chamber. She stared up and couldn't help but be reminded of the central chamber within the Caverns of Time. The guards hooked her up to two of the pillars that stood out of place within the chamber. She only had to hold up her hands a little. When finished, the guards stood at attention.

   Galbatorix rose from his dark throne. "Why, this is a little insulting!" he exclaimed and rubbed his chin. "Guard's, please take off that dreadful thing covering her mouth." Two guards came to her, one unbound the device and the other caught it as it fell. Bluestone worked her jaw and cracked her neck, happy to be able to breath freely again. Galbatorix smiled. "I don't know how, but a little bird convinced me to..." he paused, searching for the word, "lessen your imprisonment."

   Bluestone matched his smile. "Well, I think I'd like to thank that bird personally."

   The king laughed. "Oh," he said, "you'll get your chance. For now, though, you shall be lead to your new rooms where I expect you to clean up and read the scroll I have personally written and placed upon the bed.

   She quirked an eyebrow. "Am I to be paraded around as your new pet?"

   This brought another bout of laughter from the king. "Actually, your true nature is to be kept secret. I presume that you can hide your lovely ears and other inhuman features?" Bluestone only nodded. He clapped his hands. "Good! Now, you may feel free within this palace, but remember: you are still my prisoner. Guards, please take the young lady to her rooms."

  The guards saluted and unhooked her chains, they reformed their circle around her. Just before turning, a shimmer of light caught Bluestone's eye. She looked closer and saw a black snout as big and round as a red drake.... Then she was turned and lead away.

Bluestone (An Eragon and World of Warcraft Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now