Chapter 27

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Oh my god, I’m better.

My throat is still a little scratchy and my nose is still a little jammed, but it’s much better than it was the last time I updated.

I don’t have that much of a fever anymore, I could finally shower and eat something – damn I lost too much weigh these last days. And finally I can do something else than sitting around in bed and doing nothing but sleep and complain that I hate being sick.

Thanks for the comments last chapter. You’re all so nice! Why can’t all people be like you?

I’m actually typing this chapter the evening the day before this has to be published. Oopsie. But I’m a lazy piece of shit.

Also, I’m writing a few one shots now. I dunno when I’ll finish. We’ll see.

Anyways, enjoy!

Louis awoke after an uneasy sleep and forced himself out of bed, through his morning routine, a small breakfast and his way to work. He’d called in sick the last few days, but he had to go to work again. It was time.

He would spend the day at work, maybe shopping for groceries and definitely trying to find things that could help him with finding Harry. There had to be things connecting to that case.

He parked the car in his usual spot and entered the building. He was greeted by the other employees and Aiden joked with him a bit.

Over the day, Louis was more relaxed than he ever was since Harry’s disappearance. He could actually laugh again and he could concentrate on something else but his worry since days.

After he said good-bye to Aiden and the others and left the radio station, he drove down to Tesco’s and went grocery shopping since there was almost nothing really edible left in his flat.

While he went through the shelf with the chocolate bars, he thought of ways to find something out. There had to be a thing that could help him. That could give him a hint where Harry was.

The kidnappers were probably Alphas. And they had to be pretty stupid, so couldn’t they just finally do something when they were close to Louis that gave them away? Like, accidentally spilling a name or a location or any other information that could be useful for Louis?

But how was he supposed to realize that one special Alpha was his mates kidnapper and a huge psycho asshole? Easy-peasy lemon squeezy. Not.

Sighing, he put his chocolate in the trolley and decided he had everything he needed to live with for the next week. So he took his trolley and made his way to the cashier.

The cashier looked bored and tired, like he got just as much sleep as Louis – almost none at all. Louis realized he was an Alpha and wondered if his Omega had been kidnapped, too.

He didn’t have the guts to ask so he just wished him a good day, took his grocery bags and left the store. He loaded the bags into the boot and closed it, ready to leave.

That was when something caught his eye – or rather, his nose.

A strong, sweet smell that he hadn’t smelt in so long that he had almost forgotten how it smelt. The scent of Harry’s heat.

Now, that didn’t make any sense. What the hell did that scent do on a Tesco’s parking lot? Louis looked around for a hint, a clue or something when he saw three Alphas walking to the huge black car next to him.

Quickly, Louis started pretending he was looking for his keys. Not for the first time he was thankful that he – as an Alpha – still had some of the abilities of his ancestors, like the better sense of smell and the better hearing.

“We can’t stay away from them too long! What was taking you so long!?”

“Stop complaining, we’re here. You’re so jumpy since the male destroyed the injections.”

“Maybe because we still have to wait two and a half weeks and in that time, many, many things can happen. Many, many bad things.”

“You’re so paranoid. Nothing is going to happen. And now let’s go.”

The Alphas entered their car and drove off the parking lot. Louis quickly unlocked his car and climbed in, too. He kept sitting on the driver’s seat for a long time before he started the car and drove off.

That had been Harry’s smell on those Alphas.

Why the hell was Harry’s smell of heat on those Alphas?


This is a very short chapter and I apologize but I’m unmotivated and tired and lazy. Apologies.

Next chapter will be longer. Hopefully.

The only good thing next week is gonna be that Monday and Tuesday is no school which means I didn’t have P.E. since three weeks and I didn’t have chemistry since two weeks. Amazing.

Anyways, I hope you liked it even though the shortness.

Thanks for reading.

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I love you.

Kisses, Vic :*

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