Chapter 22

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I’M SORRY D: I feel so bad. But like, winter depression got the best of me and my girlfriend broke up and I sometimes wanna kill my friends, my enthusiasm died down and the writer’s block got harder and I spent my time watching my favourite YouTubers because their voices calm me down even when they scream into the microphone.

Also, I broke a friendship that was more like poison than anything. I feel better, actually. I don’t regret what happened and I don’t intend on changing anything, now that it’s starting to go up again.

But I mean, I love this book, I love you, I love writing. I’m not gonna stop because I’m feeling down, I’m kicking myself in the ass and if the next update isn’t up in four days, bitch slap me.

Thanks, babies.


Louis dreamed of Harry – again. He dreamed of their one year anniversary. A beautiful, painful memory now that Harry was somewhere kidnapped by a bunch of Alphas. Louis didn’t want to know what they were doing to his poor Harry.


It was October. A day after Harry’s heat. The day they officially started dating the year prior.

Louis was a little nervous. He planned a day for Harry and him, his phone was turned off so no-one would call him and disrupt his day with his mate.

They had spent the last three and a half days in the bed between the sheets and Harry was tired, of course. Louis wasn’t much less tired than the Omega, but all his exhaustion was forgotten because it was their one year anniversary and maybe Louis was cliché, but anniversaries were very important to him.

Louis was still at Harry’s house, but he was already awake while his mate was still fast asleep. So Louis stood up quietly, pulled the covers over Harry’s lean back and left the room quietly.

He went into the bathroom to do his business and take a shower and brush his teeth before he took a few of the clothes he brought to Harry’s so he’d have something to wear other than his boyfriend’s clothes.

Louis went into the kitchen and even though he was a catastrophe in the kitchen, he was determined to cook breakfast for Harry at least today.

After two burned eggs and a few ruined pancakes, Louis managed to actually make pancakes and scrambled eggs for Harry and a cup of tea. He put all of it on a tray and carried it up the stairs to Harry.

Louis would’ve asked Anne to help him, but she was gone – as always when Harry’s heat was coming. She didn’t want to be there when the two of them got at it like two rabbits and Louis couldn’t blame her.

He managed to climb the stairs without stumbling or dropping the tray and knocked gently on the door of Harry’s room. Upon entering, Louis could see that Harry had already showered and was dressing himself.

He cleared his throat softly and Harry turned around to him.

“Get into the bed, how am I supposed to make you breakfast in bed if you’re not in the bed?” Louis asked him.

Harry smirked, dimple denting his left cheek as he got back under the covers and stared at Louis expectantly. Louis smiled and shook his head fondly before he placed the tray on Harry’s lap.

“I didn’t burn the kitchen down,” the Alpha stated proudly.

Harry kissed his cheek as if to reward him and whispered a small, “Thank you,” into his ear.

“And happy one year anniversary.”

Louis smiled brightly and pulled the curly haired lad closer by his neck to kiss him gently. He could feel Harry smile slightly and pulled him closer just … because.

Harry ate his breakfast and thanked Louis about a thousand times. He was too cute.

They had a beautiful day just spending time with each other and in the evening Louis took Harry out to their favourite restaurant.

After they had eaten their dessert, Louis got the box out of his pocket. Harry made big eyes.

“No, this is not an engagement ring,” Louis started, “but it has something to do with our future.” He opened the box. “Move in with me?”

Harry smiled so brightly that his cheeks must be hurting and pulled Louis over the table to kiss him and whisper a, yes, into his mouth.

~End of Dream~

When Louis woke up, he felt like crying. This memory was beautiful but it also felt like a stab right in his heart. Because Harry was gone and Louis had no clue where the hell he was or how the hell he was supposed to find his mate.

~With Harry~

The three Alphas came into the cell with a box that seemed to intend injections or something. Harry watched them mindfully.

“So, our Omegas,” the first Alpha said and Harry tried to suppress the urge to roll his eyes. “This is why you’re here.”

“Those injections intend a drug that makes your heat come early and intensified,” the Alpha next to him said. “This is our plan. Breed you, breed Omegas.”

Breed us!? Harry thought. This isn’t the MA, for god’s sake!

“So, who wants first? You better cooperate, or else something will happen to you sweet little things.”

The thirteen Omegas just stared at the Alphas disbelievingly. They had to be crazy.

“Okay, then we’re gonna choose one of you to go first!” the third Alpha exclaimed.

“Take the male, if this works on him, it’s gonna work on the girls too!”

Before Harry could react, his arm was grabbed and he was roughly pulled towards one of the Alphas. The next second he felt a sting in his arm and an all too familiar hot, bubbly feeling in the pit of his stomach.


*peeks out from under her rock*


Ehh … I love you?

And forgive me! Forgive me! I didn’t want to not do anything for so long, but suddenly it just happened and well … sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!

If you don’t hate me too much, can you vote or comment? Thank you so much for waiting so patiently and not attacking me or something. Means a lot to me.

And thanks to @LarryIsAmazing, it’s her who gave me enough courage to keep on. Best friend :)

Anyways, yeah, hope you liked it.

Kisses, Vic :*

Mates With Complications (Larry Stylinson AU A/B/O) {Mpreg}Where stories live. Discover now