Chapter 23

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*jumps out from behind her rock*


Next semester will be so much more relaxed than the first one. I’m finally back.

Sooooooooooo! Thank you so much for the comments :) Thanks for being so understanding, it means so much to me. You’re all perfect, love you.

I’m feeling freer and a little happier. Because like, even though we broke up my ex-girlfriend is still a friend of mine and like, I don’t hate her. It makes me happy that I didn’t lose her completely.

And my life is starting to get better again. I forgot how relaxing writing could be. Song writing, too. Like, writing my feelings down from my shoulders is really what I need right now.

Okay, so. I had fun reading through your comments >D


Harry gasped and dropped to his knees. He could see the Alphas’ smirks and hear Stella calling his name.

Fucking fuck, shit, he thought.

His mind was racing but he couldn’t form a coherent thought. That was until a memory popped up in his mind that he had almost forgotten. Something he had learned in school in his senior year.

He smirked a bit and pressed his hands on his stomach, then he pinched his eyes shut. The burning in his tummy was getting worse, but he was determined.

He opened his eyes and took a shaky breath. Then he threw up on the shoes of the Alpha who gave him the injection.

“You little piece of shit!” he shouted but Harry gave him a lopsided smirk and stood up.

Everyone in the room was staring at him disbelievingly. The Omega took the chance to throw over the box with the other injections. They shattered on the ground and chemicals formed a puddle on the ground.

“Do you know what you did!?” the shortest Alpha exclaimed.

“Do you actually know how hard it is to get these drugs!? You destroyed weeks of work! We have to wait another three weeks now! Are you crazy?!” the undercut Alpha asked.

Harry stepped away from then to the other Omegas and crossed his arms.

“I would be crazy if I didn’t do this. You can try this a billion times but let me tell you something. You will never break us. We might be Omegas but we are not only submissive. We have our own mind and you can’t push us around. You are not our Alphas, we don’t have to listen to you,” he told them.

The tallest Alpha looked about ready to attack, but he was held back.

“We don’t have time for this and you know it,” Undercut said. “Come on now, we have to re-plan everything.”

Tall threw another hateful glare at Harry who ignored it and followed the other two Alphas out of the cell, locked it and disappeared.

A second later, Harry was caught in a group hug. He smiled a bit and tried to hug them back but even though he was 6’1 tall, he couldn’t hug every single one of the twelve other Omegas.

“How the hell did you do that!?” Philippa asked.

“I learned something in high school once. Our body can ignore drugs that force us into heat because of an injection every Omega has to get after they leave school. I remembered it. The drugs only cause headache or nausea, but nothing serious. That’s why I threw up on the shoes.”

“That was a great move, Styles,” Kylie smirked and gave him a side hug.

“Thanks. But I only bought us a little bit of time. We don’t have forever. Our only hope is to have someone find us.”

They sat down in a circle, like they did the last few days. There wasn’t much to do. The cell was out of rock with a table in one corner, no mattresses but a small door that led to a tiny bathroom. At least they could go to the toilet. But there was no shower and Harry was feeling disgusting.

I wanna go home again, he thought.

He smiled a bit when he thought of Louis and felt that he was sleeping and dreaming of their one year anniversary.

Seconds later Harry’s eyes widened when he realized something. He could feel Louis again. Actually feel Louis again. Either the suppressing drug had worn off or the heat drug had caused it to wear off. Whatever had happened, the bond to Louis was back.

He was so happy he wanted to cry. Now that the bond was actually back and not suppressed anymore, Louis could maybe find out where they were.

Louis, he thought and his cheeks started to hurt from how much he was smiling.

~With Louis~

When Louis woke up from his dream, he felt even sadder. Harry wasn’t here. Harry was gone. Harry was somewhere and he didn’t know how to bring him back.

Suddenly, he felt a wave of happiness racing through his veins and he wanted to slap himself until he realized what this meant. He hadn’t felt it for the last days so he almost forgot how it felt like.

Harry. Harry’s feelings.

“I can feel you …” Louis whispered.

It’s been too long since Louis had felt Harry. It felt just like the beginning when Louis had first started feeling Harry’s feelings through they bond – beautiful, new, full of hope.

A smile spread over Louis’ face so big that his eyes crinkled in the corners.

“I’m gonna find you, I promise, baby. I’m coming for you.”

He climbed out of the bed as quick as he could and jumped under the shower, full of new energy. Now that he could feel Harry again, finding him would be so much easier.

He dressed and grabbed his phone, ready to call his friends to tell them these good news.


Did you really think I would do something like that to Harry? *raises eyebrow*

Thanks to @LisaKirc for the idea with the worn off drug :)

You are perfect. Thank you so much.

Hope you liked this chapter. The next one will be up in four days

Thanks for reading.

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Kisses, Vic :*

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