Chapter 7

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Hey, Grasshoppers.

How are you?

I can say, we now come to the better part of the story :]

You’ll see.

I went to see Maleficent on my birthday, it was beautiful. I loved it. Angelina Jolie is so pretty and I thought Aurora’s actor was also so beautiful.

Can you find someone’s hands beautiful or anything?

Thank you so much for making this story big already, I think we’re close to 1000 Reads already. This will most likely be my most popular story, along with Heartbreaker.

God I love you so much for it, you’re amazing.

Anyways, hope you’ll like it.


Harry knew this day that something was off. He felt it, but he didn’t know what. Something was happening today, he just hoped he would go through school without it happening … whatever it was.

He walked into school with Niall and Perrie like every day, seeing Louis’ head of feathery hair instantly.

Louis turned around and smiled at Harry, waving at him. Harry waved back smiling as well, his heart beating faster at the sight of the beautiful Alpha.

“Hey, Harry! Nice to see you!” Louis called over from where he stood and jogged towards the three of them.

“Of course Harry would be his favourite,” Perrie said, rolling her eyes playfully and earning a smack on the back of her head from Louis. “Hey!”

Louis flashed her an irresistible smirk and she sighed, shaking her head.

“You’re impossible,” she declared.

Louis shrugged and smiled at her with raised eyebrows as if to say, did you expect something different from me?

Harry just smiled at the beautiful Alpha, closing his eyes to take in his scent once more. He was already addicted to it and wanted to smell it every day, whenever he could. He just wanted it.

He opened his eyes again and sighed, looking down on his shoes. Just why did he have to fall for him? Why didn’t he tell Louis from the beginning that he was a hidden Omega? He was just so stupid.

“You alright, Harry?” Louis’ voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

Harry nodded and smiled a bit, walking alongside him into the school building to their first class – art – which Harry and Louis had together.

They said good-bye to Niall and Perrie who walked away to their own classes, and walked into the room. The teacher, a young blonde lady, was already present and smiled at the two of them as they settled down at a table in the back of the room.

The room filled after the bell rang and Harry sighed, expecting another boring shit school day. He listened to what the teacher said and what their task was, starting to work on it.

~Louis’ Sight~ (A/N: POV is with First Person. Sight is Third Person)

Louis stared at Harry as he chewed on the back of his pencil, thinking of what he should draw now. He loved the way Harry’s green eyes flicked over the paper, following the line his pencil was leaving as he quickly drew over the white paper.

He smiled to himself, but his smile dropped. He liked Harry, too much than he should. Harry was Beta, he shouldn’t like him. Alphas and Betas weren’t meant to be mates and Alphas didn’t fall for Betas, neither did Betas fall for Alphas.

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