Chapter 1 part 2 - Where It All Begins

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~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER 1 PART 2/2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When i entered 7-eleven, i went straight to the refreshment section. i was only looking for a small bottle of water because i didn't really need it 'cause i was going straight to Nando's anyways. But i realized that it was at the top of the shelves so i had to tip toe, but still, i wasn't able to reach it. Then a man helped me.

"Let me help you"

I turned around to thank the man. But i wasn't prepared of what i was about to see.

"Kylie, is that you?" it was Laurence. then our faces were centimeters apart. we stared into each others eyes, i got lost in the ocean in his eyes. Then he moved his face closer to mine. then he suddenly backed away.

"Babe, what's happening here?" i heard an unknown woman talk to Laurence

"Oh nothing babe, she's just a friend of mine that i helped. She can't reach the water over there at the top so i helped her" he told her, as the unknown woman slid her arms aroud Laurence' neck.

"Friend. right. And who is this friend of yours?" she asked him, gesturing to me

"Her name is Kylie, just someone i work with"


"Laurence, Who is she?" i asked, gesturing to the unknown woman

"Chelsea... my girlfriend" my heart suddenly drops as i hear the word 'girlfriend'

"oh" was all i said. my eyes started to water up. then i hastly wiped them away when chelsea didn't look.

Then i saw Chelsea whisper something to Laurence. suddenly i felt something vibrating on my pocket. i got my phone and saw 3 missed calls and 11 messages.

"i better get going, i still have to meet someone, i'm already late.." i started walking towards the door when Laurence stopped me by grabbing my arm. "Wait" he said

"Dont" i snapped, then i quickly removed my arm from his grasp. i walked out of the store.

I continued to walk in the busy streets of London, crying. then my phone buzzed again. Arianne was calling me. So i answered it.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE Y---- Are you crying?" She asked me.

"No, dont worry, im fine."

"No, tell me"

"I said im fine"

"are you sure?"


"ok, we'll talk about this when you get here, ok?"



"bye" then i hung up

5 minutes later, I finally arrived at Nando's. i saw Arriane, sitting with Kyla. Then i walked up to them.

"You're 10 minutes late" she said, tapping on her watch.

"i know, i know. Sorry" i said. then i sat down on the empty seat beside her.

"its ok. Anyways, why were you crying when i was talking to you on the phone?"

"its just that, 4 years ago, our parents made me and my ex broke up, because they thought our relationship was ruining our studies, and also because our family was moving here in London. He promised me that he will find me, and we'll be together again when we're grown up. But now, i saw him earlier at 7-Eleven... with his new girlfriend." thats when i started to cry.

"i was even wearing this ring, that he gave me as a promise ring.." i sobbed into her shoulder.

"Shhhh baby.. we all know that boys are stupid"

"but i still love him" i told her, while sobbing into her shoulder

"i know baby, i know"

Then i felt something vibrating on my pocket. my mom was calling me. Oh no. then i answered it.

"Kylie Nicole Anderson! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?" oh no


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