Chapter 2 - Be Guilty

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER 2 - This Should Be The Start~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Laurence' POV

"Babe, are you ready? we're going out, remember? and breakfast is ready!.." Chelsea, my girlfriend yelled at me asking if i was ready, as i was lying here in bed, half awake. i was still dreaming about kylie, how she's doing. I'm here in London for a few weeks 'cause i have some relatives that i have to visit.

"5 minutes!.." i yelled back, she's on the other side of the door from our bedroom. as i got out of bed, i went straight to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth, then got dressed up. After doing those morning preparations, i went downstairs going to kitchen to be faced with Chelsea, and an unknown man.

"Chelsea, Who's that?" i asked her, eyeing the man as i sat on the table, to eat my breakfast.

"he's the one who's gonna fix the broken pipes" she answered as she placed some more food on the table.

"oh" was all i said. "anyways, what time are we leaving?" i asked her as i was eating breakfast.

"in twenty minutes" she answered me.

"ok" i continued eating my breakfast


"you ready?" she asked me as i finished eating my breakfast

"yap, lets go" i stood up, got the keys of my car, and went outside waiting for her. I never really loved her, or liked her. She was just my Fallback Girl because our parents set us up. The woman i loved was kylie, that beautiful, funny, talented girl who always seizes to make me smile. I know i would never find her again because she lives in London. Oh wait, Did i just say she lives in London? and im here in London! but, i know i wont be able to find her.. just then i saw Chelsea walking out the front door and went inside my car.

"Finally, ive been waiting for hours!" i exclaimed

"that was just about 3 minutes! anyways, let's go, im late for my meeting.." then i started the car. started driving down the drive way, and into the busy streets of London.

"Babe, can you please pull up over there, i have to buy something" she asked, gesturing to 7-eleven . Then i pulled up infront of 7-eleven.

"Let me come with you, i have to buy something, im thirsty" i said as i got out of the car.

"sure, come on" then we both went inside the store. She went straight to the Food section while I went straight to the refreshment section. i was about to get a bottle of orange juice, when i see a woman, having trouble getting that small bottle of water at the top of the shelves, So i decided to help her.

"Let me help you" i grabbed the small bottle of water. Then she turned around, but i wasn't prepared of what i was about to see. It was Kylie.

"Kylie, is that you?" i Asked, my mouth slightly agape as i looked at her. i got lost on those hazel brown eyes. slowly, I inched my face closer to hers so our faces were merely centimeters apart. But then i realized that Chelsea was watching so i backed away.

"Babe, what's happening in here?" Chelsea asked me, shocked of what she saw.

"oh nothing babe, she's just a friend of mine whom i helped. She cant reach the bottle of water there at the top so helped her" i answered her. And at this point she slid her arms around my neck.

"Friend. right. and who is this friend of yours?" she asked, gesturing to Kylie.

"Her name is Kylie, she's just someone i work with" i answered.

"oh" was all she said.

"Laurence, Who is she?" kylie asked, gesturing to Chelsea

"Chelsea... My girlfriend" then i saw her frown.

"oh" was all she said. i saw a tear roll down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away when Chelsea wasn't looking. I still loved her, until now. Then Chelsea whispered me something.

"Are you having a secret affair?" she whispered bluntly asking me.

"Of course not.." i whispered back. then Kylie looked at her Phone, shocked.

"I better get going, i still have to meet someone, im already running a little late." then she started walking towards the door but i stopped her.

"Wait" i begged

"Dont." She snapped. she removed her arm, out of my grasp, then walked towards the exit, crying, into the busy streets of London.

"WHO THE HELL WAS SHE?!" Chelsea shouted at me, then suddenly, all of the people's eyes in the store were on us

"ma'am, sir, if you continue shouting inside out store then im gonna have to ask you to leave" the securite guard warned us.

"nah it's okay, we're leaving anyways" i replied then went straight outside and into my car.

"you better make sure that you aren't having a secret affair or you'll be dead" she warned me

"I dont! i promise!" then we left.. straight to where ever she was supposed to go, thinking how im gonna see Kylie again.


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