The letters are out...

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Julie's POV (im pretty sure the whole story will be from here POV but ya know)

i'm writing in my journal when Nini knocks on my door. 

"Hey Jules" She says opening the door. I look up at the door and smile at her. She comes in and sits on the edge of my bed.

"Is it time for school yet?" i ask continuing to write. 

"It will be soon, are you ready to go back?" She ask and i nod

"Of course i am, i mean i can't wait to be in school again"

"Jules, it's gonna be okay. I'll be there, so will Flynn and Ricky"

"wouldn't miss it" Ricky says appearing on the door frame. 

"Hey Babe" Nini says jumping up from my bed and running over to him. He pulls her in for a sweet kiss. Gross

"i'm fine seriously but i do need to get ready if i'm actually gonna be on time" I say shutting my journal and walking over to them. 

"what are you always writing in there?" Nini ask, gesturing to my notebook. 

"Just stuff" 

"Stuff right" She says, rolling her eyes. I cross my arms and Ricky holds his hands up. 

"I'm out, she gave me that look" He says running downstairs. Nini giggles.

"He's so cute, isn't he?" 

"adorable" I say through gritted teeth. Nini hugs me and leaves. 

Ugh why does she have to date Ricky? i mean i'm happy for them. Just sometimes i wish it was me. 

Here's the thing, I'm hopelessly in love with him. It started when we were younger, i noticed that i got jealous when other girls talked to him. He came over one day and saw Nini, that was it. They became attached to each other and then he told me he thought he loved her. So of course, they got together.

Anyway, today is my first day back at school after my mom's death this past year. Im so nervous but at least i'll have my best friend Flynn. She's always there for me and she's the only one who knows about the letters. Oh yeah, that's the other thing. 

When i have a crush so intense i don't know how to handle it, i write letters. I've only written 5 

Luke aka the most popular guy in my school. He dates my ex bestfriend Carrie so of course he's off limits not that i would- getting of track. 

Alex from homecoming, he danced with me and it was one of the best nights ever. 

Reggie, we have music together and he's such a chick magnet. I couldn't help but fall a little

Then, there's nick. I've known him for a few years and we have science together. 

The 5th of course is Ricky. 

"JULES CMON" Nini yells from downstairs, i grab my backpack and run downstairs. 

"There you are, Ricky is driving us" Nini says linking arms with me. 

"oh okay" i say. Ricky comes over and wraps his arms around us both. 

"you Molina girls ready?" He ask. I nod nervously and Nini smiles while giving him a kiss on the cheek. 

"So dad has to take me to school, im being abandoned" Carlos whines from behind us. I turn around and run over to him, hugging him tightly. 

"You'll be fine Carlos, we'll see you later" I say. he nods and Nini pull me out the door. 

"Cmon, we gotta get going now. Bye Carlos, love you" She says dragging me out the door. 

On the way to school, i stay silent while Nini talks about what stuff she's gonna do this year. All i can think about is music class. My last chance project is coming up, i haven't even sung or played anything in a year. Maybe i could join the art program instead. 

and just like that we're here. I jump right out and run in, i gotta find Flynn. As i make my way through the hallway, I see Luke. I watch him for a moment and he hits his locker till it opens. Something falls out and he picks it up, a confused look on his face. before i can catch what it is, Flynn yells my name. 

"JULIE" She yells running to me and hugging me. She's been gone all summer, like she just got back yesterday. 

"OMG flynn i missed you so much" I say grabbing her hand and walking to our lockers. 

"so hows-" she starts

"still together" i mumble shoving my backpack into my locker. 

"At least you have me" She smiles and i shake my head laughing. 

"I'm so very happy to have you" Flynn's phone buzzes in her pocket and she pulls it out. 

"I gotta go but i'll see you later" She says shutting her locker and wandering off. I shrug and finish putting my stuff in my locker. i shut the door and Luke is right there. 

"aah, oh my- you scared me" 

"sorry, could i talk to you?" He ask, i faintly nod and he pulls me into an empty classroom. 

"Julie, im so sorry but I just broke up with Carrie. Im flattered though" He says and i tilt my head in confusion. 

"Luke, what are you talking about?" 

"You sent me a letter?" He says holding up the letter. 


"where did you get that?" i ask trying to grab it. He holds it above me and smirks. 

"It was in my locker this morning" 

"WHAT?" I yell. I see Ricky and center in on his voice. 

"have you seen Julie? this way thanks" He says the door opens. I turn back to Luke and kiss him. 

"Oh sorry" Ricky says awkwardly, i pull away and look at his hand. The letter

how? oh god 

He walks away and i turn to Luke. 

"You just kissed me" He states. 

"yep and now I gotta go" I say turning to leave. 

"wait wait, you can't leave" He says grabbing my arm. I roll my eyes and look back at him. 

"Why not?" 

"That guy, he had a letter too. Isn't he your sisters boyfriend?" 

"yes, now can i go? i don't wanna be late" I say crossing my arms. 

"Molina, your one confusing girl" He says 

"I didn't know you were trying to figure me out" I say, annoyed. 

"Oh i am now" He smiles tapping my arm. I roll my eyes and start walking. 

"wait up" He says following me. 

"what could you possibly need?" I ask stopping. 

"Maybe, we could let people think we're together. You know"

"why?" I ask

"Umm well, i'm sure you want to avoid a whole awkward conversation with that Ricky kid and Carrie would see us" 

"so you wanna use me to make Carrie jealous?" 

"Hey, you kissed me so he would leave" 

"I'm gonna go"

"Will you at least think about it?" He ask slipping me a piece of paper. I unfold it and it's his phone number. Unbelievable

"I'll think about it" I say folding the paper and putting it in my pocket "Later Patterson" 

"See you Molina" He smiles. I shake my head walk off to class.

a/n: so i had someone ask me to do this and if you ask, you shall recieve. Im not really a to all the boys i loved before fan but i thought it might be fun to do with these characters and stuff so yeah! 

i hope y'all enjoyed this part

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