You love him?

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30 minutes later
"You look hot Julie" Alex says cheering. I ended up wear a black skater skirt, a black shirt tucked in and a studded vest from my moms old clothes.

"Thanks" I smile looking the mirror. There a knock on my door and it swings open.

"You ready to go?" Luke ask staring at his phone. He looks up at me and his jaw drops.

"What? You don't like it?" I ask worried. I don't know why I'm worried.

"No jules, you look amazing" He says coming over and wrapping his arms around my waist. He nuzzles his head into the crock of my neck, making me giggle.

"I'm gonna leave y'all too aloneeeee" Alex says winking at me "remember, we only have 30 minutes before we gotta go" he yells shutting the door.
Omg he did not say that... I'm gonna kill him

Luke releases his grip on me and I walk over to my desk.

"Hey hey, come back here" he whines. He comes behind me and grabs my waist. I put my hands on his and he spins me around.

"Luke" I whisper. You can feel the tension between us, the chemistry.

"Jules, you look so beautiful" He whispers back. We both lean in and are only inches apart when there's a knock on my door. We pull away and I hear Luke groan in anger. Well I think I did, maybe I didn't

"Come in" I yell. Luke flops onto my bed and Alex comes in.

"I see everything is well, Flynn texted and said we need to get going. Apparently traffic is bad"

"Okay, well be down soon lex" I say, swiping mascara on.

"K" he says and leave. Luke darts up and over to me. I turn around.

"Where were we?" He ask, picking me up and setting me on my desk.

"We should probably get going" I smile. He cuts his eyes at me. What is he trying to do? I hop down but I can't move. Luke isn't moving either.

"We're fake dating right?" I ask, placing my hands on his shoulders.

"Yeah yep, we need to go" he says moving out of my way. I grab his hand and pull him downstairs.

"Oh look who finally decided to show up!" Alex chirps making Bobby and Reggie laugh. I roll my eyes in response.

"Cmon losers" I say walking towards the door.

"Good luck Jules" Nini calls from the kitchen.

"Thanks Nini" I yell back before slipping out the door. The guys follow me.

At the coffee house
"Are we late?" I ask running over to Flynn.

"Early" Flynn spits and points at the stage.

The coward cheers and she smirks in response toward me. Carrie and her group move towards us.

"Well if it isn't Julie and her little crew" Carrie says, a fake smile plastered on her face. Oh how I would love to slap it off. She's your typical mean girl.  I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"What do you want Carrie?" Flynn says stepping beside me.

"I wanna talk to Lukey" she says waking over to look and placing a hand on his arm. I look at the ground uncomfortably. Alex elbows me.

"Don't let her do that to your man Julie" Alex whispers. I look up and I see her laying all over Luke.

"Umm Carrie if you don't mind, I would like you to not touch my boyfriend like that"

"Is he really your boyfriend? I mean I hardly see you kiss" she says crossing my arms. Really? I scoff and walk over to Luke. I grab his face and pull him in for a kiss. He grabs my waist and our kiss becomes intense. I hear someone clear there throat making me pull away.

"We have one more group performing tonight, Give it up for Julie and the phantoms" The announcer says. Flynn yells and we run up on stage.

Once we finish, the coward roars. Everyone goes crazy.

"We're Julie and the phantoms, tell you friends" Reggie says winking at a girl in the audience. Me and Luke share a knowing glance, Reggies always flirting with someone. Like I said, he makes all the girls swoon.

We just off stage and Luke is so pumped.

"Y'all we were awesome" Bobby says hyped. Luke jumps off the stage and picks me up.

"Jules you were amazing" he says, placing a small kiss on my lips. He pulls away quickly, realizing what he did.
We kinda decided we weren't gonna kiss, I didn't want all my first to be fake. Now about the kiss before the show, we had too I mean. She was suspicious.

"Okay lovebirds, we don't need to see you macking on eachother more" Alex jokes. Luke snakes his arm around my waist. Carrie and the rest of her group walk toward us.

"That wasn't terrible, so are y'all coming to my party tomorrow" Carrie ask, placing her hands on Luke arm. He snatches his arm from her grip and grabs my hand.

"Yeah we'll be there" I smile at her.

"Wait we will?" Alex ask.

"Of course, the biggest party of the year. Wouldn't miss it" I say, resting my hand a Luke's chest. Carrie smiles

"I can't wait to see y'all there" She smirks and turns around. As shes walking away, Luke whispers in my ear.

"Are we gonna make someone jealous?"

"Hell yeah" I whisper back.

The next night
I'm standing outside the dressing room waiting for Nini when Ricky comes out.

"Julie" He says, surprised "I haven't seen you in a while"

"Yeah, I've been busy"

"Yeah with your boyfriend" he scoffs, leaning against the wall.

"Do you have a problem with Luke?" I ask

"You don't actually like him, he's nor good for you"

"And you know what is?"


"Don't even Ricky, you broke my sisters heart and didn't talk to any of us. I don't wanna hear it"

"I still love her" He mumbles.

"Then why did you break up with her?"

"You know why" shit, my letter. No no no, that can't be the reason

"Your serious? She told you she loved you" I yell. This is bullshit

"And so did you" He yells back.

"You love Ricky?" Nini ask, her voice breaking.

"No I don't" I say

"Then why did you send me a letter?" Ricky says crossing my arms.

"You sent him a letter too?" Luke says from behind me.

No no no no

"You sent that jerk a letter" Ricky says "Julie he doesn't even care about you" Luke's face turns red with anger and he punches Ricky.

"Oh my god" I yell

A/n: stuff is going down.
Ilysm and I hope you have a fantastic day♥️

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