Your my perfect harmony

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After hours of looking, we're back at my house. I go outside and take a breath of cold night air.

"I heard Patterson was taking off" Ricky says making me jump.

"Yeah I guess" I mumble looking at the sky.

"Your better off Julie"

"I don't need to protect me or fight my battles, I can do it perfectly fine"

"I know you can"

"You really love my sister?" I ask, leaning on the porch railing.

"Yeah I do, I love her so much Julie. And I promise not to break her heart"

"Okay" I say flashing him a small smile and looking back at the sky.


"We're could he be?" I whine. Reggie passed out on the couch.

"There's one more place" Alex says shyly. I hop off the counter and towards the door.

"Cone on then" I say, but Alex doesn't move.
"Alex Cmon"

"Julie, what are you gonna say when you see him?"

"I-I don't know"

"Cause if your just gonna break his heart, maybe you should just let him leave"

"I'm not gonna break his heart, I just need to see him. So please Alex, where is he?"

"The school"


"I don't know, I just have a feeling"
Aah like Spider-Man, he has the Spidey senses.

"Then let's go please"

"Julie, it's 3am. He'll be at school tomorrow, talk to him then. We both need to sleep"

Talk to him tomorrow... talk to him tomorrow. Wait that just might work.

"Talk to him tomorrow, oh my god Alex your a genius"

"Your not sleeping are you?" Alex ask. I shake my head no and drag him upstairs

The next morning
"Where would he be?" I ask dragging the boys through the hallways. I've been rambling on since I woke them up.

"How many cups of coffee did you have?" Alex ask.

"Like 9 but that's not the point" I say hoping up. I feel the caffeine coursing through my veins, it's energizing but I don't think that's why I'm so excited. It's my chance at love, I can't let it slip away.

"GUYS" Bobby yells from the end of the hallway. He runs down the hallway to us and hits our arm.

"What?" Alex says yelling in pain.

"Luke's in the gym. There's a meeting, you gotta perform" Bobby says shaking my shoulders.

"In front of everyone? It's kinda personal"

"Do you what him to stay or go? This is gonna be your only chance. You have to decide"

He's right. I nod snd run towards the gym.

"I NEED THE STAGE"  I yell grabbing everyone attention. "It's urgent"

"Uh I- what the hell" Principal Lessa says throwing her hands up in defeat.

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