A date and a kiss

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We pull up to this little cafe, one I used to go to all the time with my mom. I smile faintly. I have so many great memories here. Luke pulls into a parking spot and gets out. He runs to my door and opens it for me.

"Chivalry is not dead after all" I say to him, getting out of the car.

"It sure is not m'lady" he says grabbing my hand and opening the door. I shake my head laughing.

"Your such a dork Luke" I say playfully pushing his shoulder.

"I am not" he says sitting down at a booth.

"You very much are, but I like that about you" I say sitting beside him.

"Hey thanks for coming tonight" He says looking at the table "Carrie never wanted to come to shows, she said my band probably wouldn't get anywhere"

"Of course I came, it was actually really fun. You guys are amazing" He looks up at me and his plain feature is replaced by a grin.

"Luke, I just gotta ask. If Carrie treated you so bad and it doesn't seem like y'all were happy, why do you want her back?"

"I don't really know but she's probably gonna be furious when she hears about us tonight"

Of course Julie, focus. This isn't real, he doesn't like you like that. It's just to keep Ricky away and make Carrie jealous.

"Shall we order?" He ask and I nod slowly.

Later that night
We pull up outside my house and we stay in the car for a moment.

"I had a great time tonight" I tell Luke, I look out the window at my house. He taps my shoulder and I turn around. I curl up, bringing my knees to my chest.

"I did too. I know parties aren't really your thing and you were probably hella uncomfortable. But it meant a lot to me, that you know you came and stuff"

"Luke, I should probably be going" I mumble, shifting around. He doesn't say anything, I get out of the car and start walking towards the door. I'm on our front porch when I hear Luke get out on his car and run up.

"Wait Jules" he says grabbing my attention, I turn around and he smashes his lips onto mine. I pull back and shock, he just smiles at me.

"Goodnight Jules, I'll see you tomorrow" I nod awkwardly and he kisses my cheek. I go inside snd I watch through the window as he runs back to his car.

"So I see y'all date went well" Nini says coming behind me.

"Omg you scared me" I whisper yell

"Julie I'm worried about you"

"Worried, why are you worried about me?"

"Cause boys like that will break your heart and you can't take another heartbreak"

"I think I know what I can handle Nini" I yell at her. I run upstairs and slam my door shut. She has no right to tell me what to do, she's only ever dated Ricky. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out. It's a text from Luke.

"What are your thoughts of pineapple on pizza?"


"Thank god, someone who has a brain. Everyone I ask including the guys says yes"

"So were the only sane ones?"

"Seems like it Molina, you wanna call?"

"Sure I guess" he immediately calls me and I pick up.

"Julie Molina"

"Lucas Patterson" I say flopping onto my bed and pulling the covers on.

"This is gonna sound weird probably but I miss you"

"I miss you too"

"If you don't mind me asking, how did your mom pass away?"

"Cancer, a year ago. You would have never guessed it. She was always happy and she looked so healthy until she didn't. I remember the last week- but you don't wanna hear about it so"

"No, keep talking Julie. I wanna know"

"Me and Flynn had come home from school and there was an ambulance outside, I thought it was end. That she was gone. We all went to the hospital and they decided she needed to be hospitalized. She was so weak and then it was like she slowly faded away. The thing I ever did was- it was scary"

"Damn Jules, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. What about nini?"

"She was never close to my mom, of course she was devastated and she misses her but i took it way harder. Sometimes I get mad at nini, it's so easy for her to move on"

"Maybe she's just not showing how much she actually misses her, cause of everyone else"

"I- I never thought of that"

"I don't have the best relationship with my mom, obviously nothing compared to you but we just don't connect. Like I love music, that's what I wanna do for my life. She doesn't want that"

"I'm sorry Luke, I think your amazing. Sunset curve is definitely going places"

"Thanks, I know I said it already like multiple times but I can't tell you how much it meant to me to see you there. No ones ever supported me in my music and even if we are just fake dating. You still came"

"Just because we're not dating doesn't mean we can't be friends"

"Yeah friends"

"It's getting late, I should probably go"

"Uh yeah, me too. Talk to you later"

"Yeah" I say hanging up.

Oh my god, why am I so bummed about just friends. I should be happy right? I mean I get to be friends with him. I don't wanna be friends with him though, I think I like him.

But he still likes Carrie, hell he said he might even love her. I don't have a chance

A/n: I present another part, ta da💅🏻

I love you all so much!!!! -R 

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