Music and truths

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"Mrs.Harrison, I wanna join the music program again" I say bursting into her room. She turns around and gives me a confused look.

"Let's talk outside Julie" she says guiding me out of the room.

"Now what?"

"I wanna join the music program, I wanna play again. I did play again"

"I'm sorry Julie, we're all full. Your spot was filled when you didn't sign up for the project"

"Really? There's not a way I can join"

"I'm afraid not sweetheart, but I'm happy your playing again. Your mom would be so happy" she says giving my shoulder again before returning to her class.

Of course, I missed my chance. Just my luck.

I make my way to my locker and Luke is waiting there.

"So?" He ask excitedly

"I didn't get back in" I say looking at ground "I'm sorry I got your hopes up" I whimper. Asking and putting myself out there made me realize just how much I miss it. Luke comes over and wraps me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry Jules, you deserve it. Did you show her your song?"

"I didn't even get the chance"

"I think I can do something about that" he smiles and I look up at him.

"It's nothing, here" he says grabbing my hand and guiding me to his locker. He doesn't let go of my hand as he opens his locker snd pulls out his music book. He balances it on the locker snd flips through it. He pulls a page out with his teeth.
Okay that was hot, focus Julie.

"Here" he hands the the page.

"What's this?"

"A song I wrote, I want you to perform in for Mrs.Harrison"

"I already said she wouldn't let me"

"Don't ask for permission, there's a pep rally tomorrow"

"I know, dirty candi's performing" I say rolling my eyes and reading the page. I smile, this is a really good song.

"So will you do it?"

"I don't know, that's in front of everyone and by myself"

"You won't be by yourself" He says grabbing my other hand "I'll see if you boys will play with you and I'll be there either way"

"You would do that for me?" I ask, looking up at him.

"But of course, now let's get to lunch" he says pulling me down the hallway. All I can think about is Luke the rest of the day.

The way he sings and plays guitar. His voice, his hand in mine. His lips on mine. His smile, oh my god I love his smile.
But he still loves Carrie, no matter what he says or does. He just doing it to get back with Carrie, I have to remember that.

That night
"Teach me how you do this shaoeshfiring witch craft" Luke says gesturing to my makeup. I giggle and grab his arm.

"You wanna learn makeup?"

"Well I'm incredibly bored"

"Luke we're doing homework"

"Like I said.... bored" He smirks. I roll my eyes and close my book.

"Have you talked to your mom?" I ask instinctively laying my head on his shoulder.

"No why? Do you not want me here?"

"No no, it's just I can tell your upset snd I hate seeing you like that"

"You know Molina, your a good friend"

Friend friend friend, was I just friend zoned by my fake boyfriend? Oh god I think I was

The next day at school
"You ready?" Luke ask, rubbing circles on my shoulder. I nod but the truth is I'm terrified.

"What if we get in trouble? Or everyone hates my singing? Or Mrs.Harrison hates my singing?"
I panic

"Jules your gonna be okay" He says kissing my cheek. Bobby smiles and points, showing Alex and Reggie.

"Thanks you guys for helping me" I say turning to them.

"Of course, we'd do anything for Luke's girlfriend. I mean he doesn't stop talking about you, it's kinda annoying" Alex says. I blush a little.

"Guys" Reggie says "it's time" I take a deep breath turning to Luke.

"You got this Jules" He says grabbing my hand and squeezing it. I smile and walk out from behind the curtain. I take another deep breath and start to play on the keyboard

(Pretend Bobby's there too lol)

After everyone leaves, I jump off the stage and run over to Mrs.Harrison.

"Julie taht was-

"I'm sorry I just wanted to show you I belong"

"And you do buy my hands are tied"

"Mine aren't and I didn't approve of that little show. You were amazing and I don't wanna be known as the principal who kept you out of the music program"

"Oh my gosh thank you" I hugging her.

"Sweetie, you gotta get to class" I nod snd she leaves.

"I'm so proud of you" Mrs.Harrison says snd walks off.

"Jules that was incredible" Luke says running to me and picking me up. Once he puts me down, we both lean in and almost kiss when someone clears there throat. I turn around to a red eyed Nini.

"Nini, what's wrong?"

"You started playing music again and didn't even tell me"

"I- I didn't know you would wanna know. Your always doing your thing"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You've always been perfect, I wouldn't wanna get in the way of that"

"Do you even realize how hard it is to have a sister like you? To have to be perfect?"

"Really?!? What about me?"

"ITS ALWASY ABOUT YOU" Nini yells at me "you were moms favorite and she always focused you. Then she had Carlos and she rarely spent time with me. But even that wasn't that big of a deal. Then you got into music, that was the one thing I had with her and it became y'all's thing. I know you were young and didn't know. Then when she died, I had to act string like I did before. Everyone bowed down to you, they were so worried about you. And Carlos and even dad. Not once did anyone ask how I felt, do you know what that feels like?" She ask now sobbing "and then the-

"The one person you could count on left you" I finish. How could I be this oblivious?

A/n: another part yay :)

I love you and hope you had a good day!!!

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