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It had taken Wendy all but six weeks of careful observation, tests, proses of elimination, and theories and to come to the conclusion that Edward and by extension, the Cullens, were in fact Vampires

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It had taken Wendy all but six weeks of careful observation, tests, proses of elimination, and theories and to come to the conclusion that Edward and by extension, the Cullens, were in fact Vampires.

She thought of super humans, abnormal births, and birth defects. But those all turned up empty, so she turned to a more supernatural idea.

Witches and Wiccans, Warlocks, sirens, and fairies. Angels and Demons came up. Those were close seconds but vampire was the only logical explanation for something that shouldn't theoretically exist.

Edward never questioned her on why she ate so little, why she missed school just about a full week per month, or why she insisted on building her own car.

The same way she never questioned why his eyes changed color from yellow to black. Why his missed school on sunny days, or why he never ate at school.

They were content with playing the piano, listening to music, and in her case, taking photos in ways that seemed odd, but came out absolutely beautiful.

He's even kept a few of them. She often used him as her subject when doing class assignments or her own personal portfolio. By the end of their first year in high school it was known that Wendy Swan and Edward Cullen were friends.

During the summer, Wendy spent most of her time either working on her car, which was now ready to assemble. Taking photos, a favorable pastime in which she got paid to place her work in Galleries. And hanging out with Edward.

Over that said summer, a curtain blonde in the Cullen household over heard her talking about a coil she needed to pick up for the car. This peaked her interest.

"You like cars?" Rosalie asked, as she leaned on the door frame to Edwards room.

"Yeah. She does. She's building her own." Her adoptive brother answer for the girl.

"Never took you for a car girl." The blonde answered back.

"I was just thinking the same about you." Wendy said, "Not a lot of people here like fast cars."

Rosalie didn't says anything afterwards. She gave Edward a look, and she walked away.

"I've never spoken to her before." Wendy breathed out.

Edward chuckled. "Don't worry. She likes you." He said reassuringly.

And she did. The two girl would often, hang out and work on each other's cars. They'd take quick trips into to city to find parts or test the car.

Jasper was already around her, because she was a like ocean of calm and peace. He was a moth and she was a flame.

By the time school started again she was friends with about half of the family. Alice was a little reserved because she couldn't see anything in the future with the girl in it. And Emmett just couldn't fine any common ground the way his mate and his brothers have.

Wendy missed the entire first week of school. Saying she had to visit her sister and mother.

She didn't.

She did, actually, but she didn't. She refused to go, saying Bella could visit if she really wanted to see her. Obviously she hasn't.

But Wendy learned a terrible thing.

She stopped responding to treatment. Meaning the cancer that resides in her will spread and grow and eventually kill her.

She was ok with that.

There was no such thing as miracles. But she liked to believe there was. Maybe Edward could be that.

Her miracle.

"Why don't you like your sister?" Edward asked out if the blue.

"What's there to like?" Wendy asked placing her can of soda down. "We grew up as twins but she was always the favorite to our mother."


"No idea." Wendy laughed. "It was just always Bella. Bella wanted to learn dance, so we both had to take ballet. Bella wanted to stop so we both stopped. Bella wanted to have a purple seventh birthday party, where everything and everyone was purple but her. No she had to be yellow."

"Weren't you yellow too?" Edward asked amused.

"No. Bella had to be the only yellow. So I was stuck with purple. She's manipulative, and pushy, and always wants what she can't have." Wendy took another sip, the talk of her sister leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.

"So then what?" He wanted to learn more about the girl who's mind was a black hole. Who's future was unseen even by a seer. Who actually was able to befriend the coldest of the Cullen's.

She was a mystery he just had to solve.

"Before we both turned eight. I've had enough. I threw fits and tantrums and I refused to eat until I was allowed to move back here with my dad." She said.

"Guess you won." Edward chuckled.

"Yeah. I did. I love it here. The cold weather. The rainy days. The forest and the small towns. My friends." Wendy smiled at him.

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