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Wendy spent her summers working on her photography

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Wendy spent her summers working on her photography. She started off redoing old photos of herself playing in the mud. She was nude but it went well with the contrast of the dark brown against her almond skin.

She used a soft thin fabric to show her growth as the mud trailed down her dress and melted into the mud puddle she mad for it. Wondering the meadow her and Edward found the year before.

She took more semi nude and clothed photos of herself with wild flowers. She learned how to make a flower crown and often brought lunch so she can eat there as well, letting the warm sun linger on her skin.

She spent every other weekend between helping Billy and helping her dad to her camera work.  Having now built most of her car, she decided to change the original scheme and was looking for a new one.

Edward called her once a week and they would talk for hours. Wendy would infer in the kitchen as she cooked or was editing her photos. Edward liked to stare out of the window and imagine what it'd be like to be there with her at his side.

Unlike Wendy who enjoyed her time out doors both day and night, Edward wondered the city at nights.

Volterra, Italy was beautiful after all. Old and historic and full of culture. He'd often imagine how she'd look at it. Would the brown beige color of the stone walled houses catch her eye? The stoned archways over alleys with strings of lights? Maybe it's the people and the food that she'd like the most?

"Will you bring me back something?" She ask leaning against the kitchen counter, picking at a cold plate of pasta.

"That depends. What do you want?" Edward asked as he looked out into the city from his balcony window. The sun was already set, the lights of the city flickered and soft music drifted in as the singer on the corner finished his song for the couple who was dancing to it.

He made a mental note of that.

"Surprise me." Wendy smiled as his chuckle.

"And here I thought you'd say something like, wine or cheese." Edward said, looking at the little black box with a white bow. His gift to her.

Of course Jasper and Rosalie had gotten her gifts as well. Jasper having an assortment of authentic pastas and a few cheeses. Rosalie bought her some jewelry and some clothes.

"You know I don't drink. I'm still technically sixteen. But I want something you'd look at in a shop and think 'Wendy bird would love that'." She sighed, placing the half eaten plate of past into the fridge.

The boy smiled knowing that's exactly what happened when he picked out the gift he'd already gotten her. And a birthday gift. "Wendy bird?" Edward questioned.

"Yeah. Because you never gave me a nickname. Dad, Billy, and Harry call me Lana. Others call me Wendy Darling, Wen., but nothing from you."

"Who calls you Wen?" Edward questioned having heard it before.

"Mostly the boys on the Rez. Sometimes Jasper." Wendy swan said as she nursed an aching bruise on her leg. She can't, for the life of her,  remember where it came from.

"So you want me to call you Wendy bird?" He teased.

"I would like a nickname. Sure. But until you find one of your own, Wendy bird will be the place holder."

"Deal." Edward mused.

His mind was far away from why they were in that city in the first place. Alice had a vision, one where Edward drinking blood. His fear was that he attacked Wendy. But Alice couldn't see her face.

Just the brown hair, pale skin, limp body and Edward over her body with red around his mouth. His biggest fear.

"I don't think you'll do it." Emmett said walking in next to his adoptive brother.

Reading his mind, Edward saw it his version of Alice's vision. "What of I do?"

"You won't. You like her too much to hurt her." Emmett commented, looking at the photo of the two at the piano on Edwards night stand. The same photo Wendy has on her bedside table. "You two are basically a couple already."

The thought made Edward smile. "We're just friends."

"I know. Doesn't mean you can't be more." Emmett pat his back. "Rose told me about the other one. From before. The one that got away."

"She didn't get away. I let her go. She died happy and with a family. Just like she wanted." Edward said. There was a different look on his face this time. He didn't look as sad as he did before. "Wendy wants the same thing. If she learns about what we are. What I am, I can't stand to see the way she'll look at me."

"And how would that be?" Emmett asked already knowing the answer.

"Like I'm a monster."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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