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Edward sat at the piano that Friday afternoon, a neatly wrapped box sat on top of the piano as he continued to play 'Meadow' by Johan Eckman

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Edward sat at the piano that Friday afternoon, a neatly wrapped box sat on top of the piano as he continued to play 'Meadow' by Johan Eckman. waiting for the girl who always has a bow in her hair.

He's noticed she's been in a mood all day, giving him and Rosalie short one word answers if she answered at all. Wendy was always a daydreamer, but this was different.

When Wendy finally entered the room, Edward couldn't help the little smile that formed on his face. Not that she noticed, too pre occupied at the thought that plagued her mind and the carpeted floor of the room.

"Is something wrong? I did do something to upset you?" He asked cautiously as she sat on the bench next to him. Wendy only shook her head.

So instead, Edward began to play her song, after the first few notes, she noticed, leaning her head onto his shoulder.

"My mom got married." Wendy muttered her voice was distant, "She didn't even invite me to the wedding. She just sent a stupid card of the happy couple." Wendy stood up, taking her bag with her "I'll see you."

At home, Wendy starred at the postcard with a smiling Renee and the new guy she now knows the face of.  Her sister didn't even call to tell her, then again why would she? It's not like Wendy would have gone, not in her current condition anyway.

Still she felt left out, forgotten. Unwanted. Everything shes always felt about herself was now times ten. It felt like this was the validation she needed to know, if she died tomorrow, no one would care.

Maybe her father, maybe Jacob, but they'd get over it. In time. If she disappeared into thin air, would anyone actually go looking for her? Dangerous thoughts plagued her mind as she sat in the living room alone. As she sat in the house alone. Stomach empty but too tired to cook.

It was the sound of tapping on the window that caught her attention. Walking to the door she peeped out seeing her best friend. "Edward?"

"I thought you'd want some company." He said with a bag of food as a bribe. "I already ate."

Wendy looked into the golden color of his eyes. "What is it?" She asked taking the bag opening it anyways.

"Fried dumplings and a slice of cheese cake." He said with a proud smile.

They watched a movie, while she ate. But as soon as the food was done they made their way to her room. "I have gift for you. Think of it as an early Christmas gift." He said hiking up the little wrapped box.

"Christmas is in two week." Wendy said hoping her grift for him came in time.

"I'm leaving to visit family in Alaska. Soon as winter break starts." He informed her. His hand lifted again to hand her the gift.

"Can I open it now?" Wendy asked with a giddy little smile, her troubled mind out the window at the sight of his elegant smile and nod.

She waisted no time in ripping the shiny blue paper, her hand almost shook seeing it. It was a mix tape.

Wendy Darlings Playlist it read in near cursive writing. Each name of a song and it's time written on the back as well. She laughed at the poorly attempted drawings of flower people on the card.

"I love it." She almost cried, giving him a hug. "Thank you." She whispered pulling apart.

It didn't take long for her to drag him outside into a small little clearing in the woods, tape player and earphones in hand along with a camera.

They listened to the whole two hours of music. Laying next to each other looking up at the night sky. The camera taking snippets of the moment at random times. Some Edward looked at her. Some she was looking at him. Some where they stared at each other and not at all.

"I wish we could pause time and stay in the moment." Wendy said in a whisper as she looked up towards the stars.

"Or we can just enjoy it now and look forward to the next moment." Edward said as his eyes lingered in the girl next to him.

The smile that graced her lips was a gift enough. "Ok. But this time, I'll plan it. When you get back from your trip from Alaska."

"It's a date."

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