❤️💛Yumeko x Mary❤️💛

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fter graduating Mary and Yumeko then got married.

Yumeko and Mary then buy a house where they shared.

3 years later, Mary and Yumeko had a 2 year old daughter named Y/n Saotome. The family took mary's name.

Y/n was a energetic kid. Mary and Yumeko got tired of the girl. Whenever they stopped the girl is going to cry and wanted to play. They always play hide and seek everyday.

"*sighed* I'm tired" mary groaned as she watched her wife and child running in the house.

In the end yumeko gave up and sat on the sofa with Mary. Then y/n saw her parents on the sofa.

"Mama! Mommy! Let us pway, pwease?" y/n asked

"Sorry princess, both mama and mommy are tired okay? Let us relax for a minute"

"Otay, b-but um- *yawned*" y/n then yawned as mary noticed and carry the child...

"Sleepy?" mary asked as she then kissed her daughters head

"Nap mama?" y/n asked as Mary nod the couple then went to their daughters room as they put her slowly on her toddlers bed. They then kissed their daughters cheeks and left the room.

"I can't believe we're having a daughter already yumeko" Mary said

"Yeah, and thank you for being with me Mary" Yumeko said as they hug then Mary started to cry... Yumeko understand how it feels having a baby and a family.

Mary helped yumeko to make dinner. The couple heard y/n cried as yumeko went to her daughters room.

"Hey baby, are you having a good sleep?" yumeko asked as y/n nod and open her arms as yumeko giggle and picked her daughter and kissed her forehead.

The two went to the kitchen and saw the foods on the table. Yumeko then put y/n on her chair.

Mary smiled seeing her daughter as she then kissed her head.

They then started eating. Mary noticed her daughter not moving her food she smiled and picked the girls up and put her on her lap. As she feeds her. Y/n was sleepy. Y/n eats mashed potatoes, meat, and bananas.

In the end y/n dozed off in mary's arms. The couple smiled while looking at their beautiful daughter.

"Put her back on her bed and I'll clean this" yumeko said as they both kissed and mary then left.

She went to her daughters bed and put her on the bed. Mary went to the closet and change her daughters diaper and her pajamas.

"Good night, y/n" mary said as she kissed her daughters head and left the room...


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