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Next morning, Yeosang was knocking at Yunho's door for sometime, but didn't get an answer. He opened the door a little and entered inside.

The room reeked of alcohol mixed with smell of cologne. Yeosang looked around and found Yunho sleeping, on the bed. He looked at the elder, sleeping so peacefully.

"Yuyu...", Yeosang whispered, still not sure whether to wake him up or not.

"Yu-...", Yeosang tried again but he was pulled onto the bed. Suddenly, his small body was wrapped up by the big arms of Yunho. The grip was getting tighter on him as much as he tried to move, but couldn't escape.

"Yunniee...", He just stared at Yunho's face, then caressed it slowly. The elder just hummed and smiled. All this felt like a dream, to Yeosang.

Yunho slowly opened his eyes, blinked them to adjust to the rays coming the room. He looked down, only to meet Yeosang's eyes. He was so surprised, that he pulled away quickly and ended up falling on the floor.

"Ahhh!!", Yunho groaned. Yeo slowly sat up and moved to the edge of the bed.

"Are...are you alright?", He looked down, worriedly. He was gonna extend his hand but Yunho got up, before he could even help.

"I'm okay! What...are you doing here..?!"

"I came to wake you up... Its our turn to clean up the dorm, today...", Yeosang slowly got off the bed and made his way to the door.

"Come and meet me outside when you have freshened up..", He quickly mumbled and left Yunho's room.

Yunho came to the living room, after sometime. He was wearing a big hoodie with denim shorts beneath it. He settled down on the couch and closed his eyes.

"Oh...you are here..", Yunho looked at a very struggling Yeo. He started laughing.

"You could have called me for help...", He got up and took the cleaning tools from Yeo.

'I should have taken a pic..', He kept giggling and played some music on his phone. The room was filled with the voice of Jamie Grey's Arms Around You. Yunho hummed along the song and started working around with Yeo.

"If I knew that you needed me too
I would have never let go..

Would have held you so close
Put my arms around you.."

As soon as Yeo heard the lyrics, he was reminded of the moment he just had shared with Yunho. He suddenly felt so hot and his heart was racing crazily. He slowly glanced around and looked at Yunho, who was still busy working.

"Put my arms around you..
I wanna know when you first knew that you had to go
It's been so long since our last kiss, I think back I should have known...

Oh I didn’t see the signs or read between the lines
Now it's obvious the things I should have said.."

Yunho paused for a while and looked at the other guy, who was still staring at him. He tried to wave his hand in front of Yeo's face, but it didn't work. He shaked Yeo's arm slightly. Yeo finally made some noise.

"Are you okay? Why's your face so red?!", Yunho asked.

"I...I'm fine!!", Yeosang shouted slightly and touched his face. He didn't even knew why was he being like that. He reassured Yunho and went back to cleaning.

"Should have looked you in the eye, give you more of my time
But I was selfish, now I see what you meant..

So I wish that I held you, I do
I guess I got complacent..

Now I'm alone just blaming myself
If I knew that you needed me too

I would have never let go
Would have held you so close

Put my arms around you..

Put my arms around you.."

The song continued to play in the background. Both of them continued to work for sometime, then finally sat down on the couch after finishing it all.

"Ahhh... Its so tiring!!! I'll have to take a bath again!!!", Yunho shouted, while Yeosang just giggled besides him.

Thank you for always supporting my work!!

Song used- Arms around you by Jamie Grey


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