Day 26: Early

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Damien P.O.V.

We sat there at the dining table, eating Alfred's delicious breakfast in silence. Jason was suffering from a terrible hangover and next to him, across from me, sat Tim who apeared to be keeping himself awake with his fith cup of coffee.

He was about to pour himself another when father spoke,"I think you have had enough, Tim."

"But I need it," Tim protest but I did't listen to their bickering.

Instead I looked over at Barbra who sat in her usual seet beside me. She had abandoned her food, day dreaming while fingering an object that hanged on the chain around her neck. I noticed the sudden curious look that spread across her face and she tries to take a closer look at it.

It was a ring.
A promice ring no doubtfully from Bruce.

I didn't see that coming...

Barbra looked like she was trying to see the inside of the thin band but the chain was to short. I was about to offer her my help when Bruce drew her attention away.

"Barbra, would you like to accompany me on a drive?"

He threw me a quick glance before she dropped the ring back down and looked up at him. I tutted, knowing why he had stop me. He was planning on telling her and whatever was engraved into the band would've given him away.

Before the two left, Bruce had informed me of where they were going. It wasn't far from the mannor but far enough for one to consider to drive there. He was taking her to the beautiful forest, the forest that was beautiful no matter the season.

"I will take care of Drake and Todd, Father. Enjoy your evening," I reasured him even though I was the youngest. Bruce wasn't convinced and glanced over me to Pennyworth.

"Alfred, please make shure the boys stay out of  trouble."

"Will do, Master Bruce."

The two left and I immediatly left for the cave.

Barbara P.O.V.

"Okay, okay..." I laughed as Bruce had discovered yet another of my tickle spots. "I serender!"

He stopped and we sat there on the logg in silence. This day has been perfect and I knew that if I wanted to tell him, I should do it now.

I opened my mouth but he had beaten me to it,"Barbra, if you  ever got to meet Batman, what would you do?"

I didn't expect the question but little did he know that I had already met him.

"Well, I have so many questions to ask him but..." I sighed. If I met Batman as Barbra Gordon, there was only one question I would ask. "I would ask him i he is close to finding my father."

Bruce pulled me into a hug and tears ran down my face. I missed my father so much, it scares me to think about what he must be going through.

Bruce P.O.V.

I wanted to tell her that I was doing everything I can but... I was scared she would get upset with me. Think that I wasn't trying hard enough if I was spending time with her.

I still have to tell her... first I will get her to stop crying.

"Hey, I heard there was a new action film playing at the movies at nine," I had lift her chin so that she looked at me,"Wanna go?"

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