Day 5 : The Perfect Rythm

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Barbra P.O.V.

"Alfred?" I peaked my head into the kitchen the following day around lunch.

"Yes,Miss Gordon?" He answered not looking up from the sandwitches he was preparing.

"Can I ask you a favor...please,"I added with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course. What is it that you need?"

"I don't know how to dance..."

He looked up and smiled,"It would be my pleasure to help you,Miss Gordon."

The Gala is in two days and I didn't know how to walts. Alfred was kind enough to help me and inmensly patient.

"Just relax and follow my lead." We were using the livingroom as our dancefloor.

I was constently looking at our feet making shure I wasn't about step on his polished shoes.

"Now,Miss Gordon, at the Gala you won't be looking at your feet." Alfred lift my chin and not a moment later I had stepped on his foot. I geuss it was a good thing my feet were bare.

"Its pointless. I will just lock myself in my room." I threw my arm in the air.

"Now, now we have only been practising for an hour. Don't expect to much,Miss Gordon." Alfred was clearly not going to give up on me.

"Now say it with me... one... two... three... four... one... two... three... four..." I chimed in with Alfred focusing on my feet without looking down at them.

"You are improving,Miss Gordon. Now, I believe that you will be be wearing heeled shoes to the Gala?"

"Oh no! I haven't even picked out an outfit!" I panicked at my sudden realisasion.

I need to call Zee. She would know what to do.

"I could alway arange something with Master Bruce." Alfred suggested.

"One step at a time. Let me finish my dance lessons first." I took Alfred's hand again and start to walts,"I'll figure it out."

Just then,Damien's vioce came down the hall, "Alfred, have you seen my...?" He paused when he saw us dancing."What are you two doing?" He laughed.

"Alfred is teaching me how to walts. Otherwise I'll make a fool out of myself." I replied without breaking my focus.

"You two are dorks..."he said but realised his mistake when he saw I stopped dancing.

"Oh yeah. Like you can do any better." My hands were on my hips.

"I can dance sircles around you."

"Prove it." Damien immediatly accepted my challenge. In no time we ended up looking like two toddlers trying to figure out what to do.

"Master Damien, I could teach both of you." Damien frowned at the sound of him needing help but accepted non the less.

Bruce P.O.V.

I was starting to think that the only way to get rid of all these paperwork was to put them through the shredder. I knew I was going to regret putting it of untill now.

I desided to take a break and see what Damien or Barbra was up to, though I didn't expect to find them dancing around the livingroom like toddlers.

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