Chapter 7

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'Beyonce, let's go!' Lyndell screamed from the other side of the door

'But I dont want to go sailing!' I said for the 10th time today 'Plus, it's raining!'

'I want us to spend time together, we are going, end of story!' I rolled my eyes and opened the door. When he saw me he smirked and led me to the beach. I could see a beautiful boat there waiting for us, it gave me the creeps, I could see the name Yonce written on it and I thought it was silly.

So we went sailing, it was raining like crazy and the sea was so mad. I was really scared I wasnt gonna make it, but I had to keep up with the plan. I could feel the wind blowing on my face and it felt nice, but the storm only got worse and Lyndell was sitting right next to me. I needed him to go away, I needed a distraction.

Suddenly, this huge wave hit us and Lyndell had to help the other guy out, that was my cue. When he left my side I jumped off the boat, grabbed on a life saver and swam as away as I could from the boat. I was really glad I took those swimming lessons a couple of months ago, Lyndell didn't know anything about those lessons, for him, I couldnt swim at all.

After he realized I was gone I could hear him screaming my name desperately. I knew they were going to look for me for a while, so that gave me time to swim to shore as fast as I could. When I got to the beach, I made my way to the house. I grabed a bag with dry clothes that I had left in my guest room. I changed and grabbed the other bag, the money bag. I was really careful not to leave anything behind, so that Lyndell wouldnt realize what had happened.

2 days later

I was suppose to meet up with Shawn on the bus station, but I've been here for hours and I didn't see him at all. My heart started filling with fear that he may not come, when I was about to leave I saw him. My heart melted and I ran to him. We hugged for a while and I felt safe again.

'We're free!' I said tearing up

'That's right' He said giving me a kiss on the forehead 'I made sure he believed that you were dead and he did! He now believes you're dead.'

'Really?! It worked?!' I said smiling

'Yes, he even had you a funeral and everything'

'That's creepy... but it's great!' He laughed and we talked for a while

'Did you get the bag?'

'Yes, it's here' I said showing it to him

'Great, then let's go!' He said excited

We chose a very small town to live in, as I was tired of LA. We took the bus and it took us almost a whole day to get there, but when we did, it was great. Better than I imagined. The town was the sweetest thing, kids running around in a park, old people sitting on benchs, birds singing... We chose a house and bought it with the money from the bag. It was already furnished and it felt like home. It wasnt as big as the house I had with Lyndell so it couldnt be better.

'Alright, I'm gonna look for a job!' I said happily as Lyndell never let me work

'Me too, but it can wait til tomorrow' He added. He walked toward me and grabbed me by the waist, I put my hands on his face and kissed him. I felt my whole body burn as things got hotter. Next thing I know, we are cuddling on our new bed, on our new bedroom, on our new life. This is real life.

(Lyndell's P.O.V.)

I should have never taken her sailing with me. That is what I kept thinking for the last couple of days. How did this happen? I knew she couldnt swim and that she was scared, but I was hoping it would punish her even more for what she did to me, but it went too far.

Now, I'm walking around the house, depressed, I could still feel her presence, I could still hear her scream, I could still smell her scent. Wait, I could still smell her scent. I walked towards the guest room, which was where she was staying, and I felt a really strong perfume. Oh, the last time she was here... I laid down on the bed she used to lay on and I fell asleep.

I woke up with my agent, when I looked at him I knew, today was the funeral. He had called her family and none of them were coming, tho they were very shocked about what had happened. So it was basically me and the priest on the ceremony.

Afterwards, while I was alone in the house the phone kept ringing and it made me mad, but it was random people saying they were sorry about what had happened to my wife, damn all of them. Tho all the calls were the same, there was one that called my attention


''Mr. Locke?''


''Well, I'm calling because I'm very sorry about your wife, she was very dear to us all''

''Who is this?''

''Oh, I'm Vivian, her swimming instructor...''

''But she couldnt swim!''

''Well at first she couldnt, but she got real good! I bet she did mention me!''

''Oh...Yeah, of course'' I said lying ''She didnt tell me the deatils, tho... How often did she have classes?''

''Well almost everyday for a month''

''Ok, well thank you'' I said hanging up.

I got up and called my agent, he was gonna help me out with this, something wasnt right.


Well guys, I apologize for not writing for a very long time, lol. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I'm working on a new story, actually it will be kinda like a bonus, it will be 5 short Jayonce stories, when I'm done I'll publish it, tho it might take a while, I've been busy

Well, dont forget to vote and comment!


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