Chapter 3

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'So where do you want to go today?' Shawn asked as I got ready to go out

'Well... You know' He sighed and I laughed, he knew that I wanted to go shopping, something he did not enjoy doing but... He had to.

Shawn and I spent about a week going out to all those different places in the city, we went to Hollywood and saw some famous people there which was pretty awesome, we went to different museums of art (I loved art and Lyndell hates it, so he would never take me), but mostly we spent our days at the beach. Not those summer beach day with the swin suits and everything, it was winter, not that cold winter because we were in L.A. but those nice windy days, we mostly spent it talking and looking at the sea.

He defenetly became my best friend, we hit it off pretty quickly, I guess I was also desperate for a social life and all, but I think Shawn came in at the right time in my life, it was that time I was starting to doubt myself and my choices, not that I don't do that anymore, it just that now I have someone to talk to, and he's so smart, I feel like I can talk to him about everything and he'll know exactly what to say to make me feel better.

He's been my bodyguard for two weeks now, I don't know much about his life, he's kinda quiet about that, I mean I told him all about my life: My family, my marriage, everything and I dont know much about his, he's really misterious, I knew he was from brooklyn, but nothing else, it seemed to me, from the few thing he said about where he came from, that he was running away from something.

We walked through the mall because I wanted to find something cute to wear tonight, we went to all those stores and I tried all this clothes on but I didnt find something that would steal my attention enough.

'What are you looking for?' Shawn asked tiredly after the 4th store we went to

'I want to find something cute I could wear tonight'

'What's tonight?'

'Lyndell is taking me to one of his work parties' I said as I spotted the perfect dress and I held it in front of me in the mirror 'How about this?' I asked him about the dress I had on, he looked me up and down and smiled

'I think this is it!'

'Me too! Great, now I'll just have my hair done and we can go home' he rolled his eyes once more and we left to the beauty sallon, while I was waiting I couldnt help but notice all women's eyes on him, but he didnt even notice, he'd only look at his phone, the ground and me, to check if everything was ok. When our eyes met I gave him a smile and he did the same.

Finally when we got home I started getting ready which caught him by surprise he actually thought I was already ready, but I told him I had to put on the dress and finish my make up and that it would take a few more hours, he seemed pleased to be a man.

'Babe, I'm home, are you ready?' I heard Lyndell shouting as he came in through the door, after about 1 hour me and Shawn got home, which meant that we didnt have much time

'Almost' I screamed back, I could hear him complaning when he climbed the stairs 'well, you're not ready either, you still have to take a shower!'

'You're right' He said giving me a kiss and a slap on my ass 'Shawn is still here?'

'Yeah, I think he's watching TV, why?'

'Cuz I wanted him to go, you know so you wouldnt be behind me all the time'

'What do you mean "behind"?'

'You know like when I'm talking to my friends and you're still there'

'I cant believe you, I might as well just not go if you dont feel comfortable with me there' I said madly, that's when he grabbed my arm strongly and made me drop my mascara on the sink

'That's not what I meant' he said in almost a whisper, he let go of my arm pratically pushing me, that meant I suppose to be quiet, he turned on the shower and I realized that that party was gonna suck, at least Shawn would be there and I wouldnt be alone.

'This is my wife, Beyonce' Lydell presented me proudly to another couple on the party, it did suck, it had terrible music and Lyndell didnt let me drink, so I didnt have anything to do except for maybe greeting people who did not care for me, after I said hello to the couple Lyndell and them continued their conversation like I wasnt there. Even tho I wasnt part of the conversation, it would be rude for me to just leave, but I'm guessing that's what Lyndell meant when he said those things at home, that I WAS supose to leave, so I just walked naturally out of there to meet Shawn, who was alone, observing, in a corner

'What is it?' I asked him

'These people have fun wrong' I laughed

'Why do you say that?'

'Because, I come from Brooklyn, and WE know how to throw a party'

'Well, I hardly think we can call this a party' he laughed

'True' Lyndell called me a few more times to introduce me to a few more people and at the end of the party, he didnt seem too happy, we let Shawn sleep at out place tonight as it was alredy late, but I'm guessing he didnt sleep very well, neither did any os us, cuz when we got home Lyndell started screaming at me for my behavior at the party, I didnt get him, but I didnt say anything, I knew by experience that answering him would only make things worst and I didnt want anymore bruises on my body. When he was done screaming, he went to out bedroom and closed the door behind him and I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

When I got to the kitchen, Shawn was there, when he saw me come in he quickly got up from the chair he was sitting and I suddenly felt very embarassed. I guess he realized it because he held me and stroked my hair, which made me feel much better.

'Look, if you ever need...'

'I know Shawn'

'No, listen' He said as he held my face on his hands 'You... You need to leave him'

'I know I do, but I don't know how, he'll go after me, I'm just scared'

'I'll protect you, I promise' I held out my pinky so he would make a pinky promise, he held his and our pinkys hugged, which made me laugh. He still had one of his hands on my face and as he looked deeply into my eyes and stroked my face, he reached out and kissed my forehead.

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