Chapter 1

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I'm pretty much gonna say that my life now sucks. Well, I made the wrong choices or I followed the wrong directions from the wrong people. My name is Beyoncé Knowles, I refuse to use my marrige's last name, Locke, to tell this story.

That last name is one of the reasons why my life sucks, as I said before. My husband is the main one. We met when I was 15, he was such a wonder, an older guy, he already had his car and he was already very rich, a business man. Any of those characteristic would thrill a teenage girl like me, so yeah, I fell for him.

When i fell for him, I let go of pretty much everything else in my life, school, my girlfriends, my family and as soon as I turned 18 I moved in with him. Then we got married. And then, here I am: hiding from him on the mall. See for the last fight we had,  I run away, cuz I was sick of him, beating me and all...

But then suddenly, when I'm having all this thoughts in my head, I see two big guys in suits coming in my direction "Oh shit" is all I could think of.

'Bey, you made it worst when you left, he's furious'

'Please don't make me come back'

'I'm sorry... let's not make a scene...' He said looking around, some people were already staring because they were huge and it was kinda suspicious if you think about it... I got up and went with them, what else what I suppose to do? I could stay in the mall forever and I have no where else to go!

You could say that I could go back home, but I cant, my pride hurts too much. The reason I dont talk to my parents anymore, well mostly my father, is because he was the one who dragged me into this in the first place. I mean, he made me marry Lyndell and move away, because he didnt want me in the house anymore, we fighted too much. As in for my mother, she didnt defend me, she didnt say that her daughter was too young to get married and to move away from her family like that, she just stood there. It's not like I was totally forced to marry him at first, but how could I know? I was only a child and I still kinda am.

We drove a little bit til we got to our beach house in L.A., yes, Lyndell is a big business man here in Los Angeles, he's way too powerful and owns too many stuff. My heart started racing when I saw the door opened and him waiting for me, I knew what was going to happen as soon as I got in.

'Bey! Oh my God I was so worried!' He said hugging me 'L.A. is a dangerous town, dont do that again!' I couldnt say anything, I cant tell you how many times he actually surpised me like that, I mean, reacted to something differently than I would excepct and that's a problem. First because I never know how he's going to react and second because he makes me feel bad about myself, like now, I feel bad I ran away, even tho I was only protecting myself from him.

He's very much like this, bipolar. Sometimes he acts like the  most romantic guy in the world, he takes me out, and then, he's just rude and barely looks at me and when I do something he doesnt like, well... He beats me. 'I was very worried' he said again as he excepted me to say I was sorry, but I didnt, I was stil shocked 'This cant happen again'

'You scared me' I finally said

'Well... Of course, I was out of my mind, I'm sorry' that's where comes in, he says he was out of his mind, that he didnt mean it and at first, I really did believe him and I forgave him, but now, I just know it's full of crap.

'I'm sorry too' I said, cuz I felt bad, he did say he was sorry, even tho he didnt mean it. That night I went to bed peacefully, but thoughtful. When was this going to end? I know I wanted to leave him, but I'm just scared, I need something ot someone to give me the strength I need.

The next day, Lyndell was getting ready to work, as usual, when I woke up.

'Bey, there is someone I want you to meet...' a huge handsome black guy came in 'After lats night, I was worried you'd do something crazy agin, so I hired a bodyguard. This is Shawn' He said pointing at the guy 'And this, Shawn, is my wife, Beyoncé' I cant believe this.


Hey guys, this is my new story! Even tho the name and the cover are the same from the movie Bodyguard that Whitney did, the story is nothing like it, as I said before it's inspired on the movie: Sleeping with the enemy. At fist it ain't that much, but later on, it's gonna be a lot more similar to the movie Julia Roberts did. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

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