Chapter 2

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'What?! Lyndel, I do not need a nanny!'

'Now Bey, let's not be disrepectful, he doesnt look at all like a nanny, look at the guy!' Shawn gave a little smile

'I dont mean to say he looks like a nanny, but you're hiring him to keep an eye on me while you're out!'

'It's only beacuse I love you' Hs said stealing a kiss from me 'Now, you two get along, I'll go to work, bye' He said as he left and I was left with this dude.

'I just wanted to say Mrs. Locke, that I really need this job and also, we can trust each other'

'What is that suppose to mean?' I sais grumpy

'That I'm not here to spy on you.'

'Well, that's a bummer to Lyndell' I said and he laughed, he had a really nice laugh. 'Well, I got stuff to do, are you gonna be following me around all day?'

'That's my job'

'You said no spying'

'Yes, but, I have to be around you all day, but that doesnt mean I'll tell your husband everything you're doing'

'I appreciate that and I hope you're not only fooling me'

'Why would I?'

'To gain my trust easily'

'You're very smart, but no, that's not what I'm doing'

'Good, ok...' I was kinda lost, because I never had anyone following me around before... I usually have nothing to do, I was suppose to be a house wife, but we got all sorts of maids here, so I do not have much work. I talked to Lyndell about me getting a job, but he did not like the idea, so... But today, I have a doctor's appointment, and maybe later I can go shopping, I'm addicted to clothes and shoes.

I climbed the stairs to my room so I could get changed and Shawn came after me, when I got into my room, I kinda closed the door on his face, I didnt mean to be rude, but I also need a little bit of privacy.

'So, you ready?' He asked after I got out of my room. I nodded and he sent somebody to get the car ready for us, he was also going to be my driver for a while.


'So Bey... how are things?' My ginecologist asked as I came in, she always asked that everytime I went there, not because it was sort of a greeting, but because she knew Lyndell beat me. I couldnt help it, one day I was full of bruises and very tense so I opened up with her, she's been great to me since.

'I'm good, we're good, he's just...'

'Putting too much presure on you?' I nodded 'yeah... you know what I think right?! You cant have his baby, it's gonna get much worst,  you wont be able to leave him then'

'I know... I've been drinking the pills you got me, but I'm scared he's going to find out about it, he's gonna be really mad, he really wants this baby...'

'I know honey...'

'It's terrible, every month when I on my period, he barely even looks at me, it's like it's my fault! Well, it kinda is'

'Why is it your fault Bey?!'

'Because of the pills... duh'

'Ok, you're right, but stop blaming yourself for everything!' I nodded again 'Great, let's get started..' She did couple of exams and concluded that everything was fine with me, that I could easily have babys anytime I wanted, the thing is, I dont want them. Not with Lyndell, not right now.

I said goodbye and got out of her room to find Shawn waiting with a magazine on his hands, when he saw me he quickly got up and we left

'Where to now Mrs. Locke?'

'Just call me Bey, Shawn'

'Yes Mrs... I mean Bey.'

'Where are you from Shawn?' I asked noticing his accent

'Brooklyn and you didnt answer my question, where to?'

'Erm... to the mall, let's go shopping' he sighed and I laughed at his reaction. We chated all the way to the mall and all he way through the shopping, he complained at first but it was really great to have a male's opinion on my clothes. We had a great time, it didnt even feel like he was my bodyguard, I felt like he was my good friend. He was just so great... He knew how to handle me, my emotions and how to listen... He was... wait, what am I doing? I'm married... I cant have those feelings! What if I cant help it?

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