S m i l e

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Word spread fast that Luna and Draco where cousins. Apparently Xenophilius Lovegood, Luna's father is also Lucius brother! Well half brother they have the same father but different mothers. And Xenophilius inherited his mothers sure name.

The first people who found out however where Malfoys friends.... "WHAT!" Pansy screamed her pale face Turing red in anger and her bangs bobbed. Theo sat down "let me get this straight — your cousin is Looney- Luna lovegood?" Malfoy nodded his head while reading the morning paper. "And how are you so calm about it?!" Pansy shrieked shaking the coffe mugs. Malfoy just shrugged "I've known since I was seven I was just to embarrassed to say anything." Blaise scoffed putting his feet up on the table. "Amused Blaise?" Blaise rolled his eyes moving them to the ravenclaw table, watching as Lovegood talked to an empty seat. Blaise chuckled to himself "bloody Looney."


Luna had gotten herself a job offering at one of the new stores in Hogsmade. After the war some people thought it would be more cheery to add more shops considering half of them where burned down. It was a soap shop run by Nevilles Grandmother. Neville actually suggested to his Grandmother that Luna work for them.

Luna stood outside of the soap shop, the name always made her giggle a little, Trevor's Totems. Luna was wearing a brown dress with pattern designs on the back it was Flowey around her knees and had a cutoff, She had a side ponytail and a white headband on.

Luna's giggles where heard as she entered the room, She walked closer in examining everything when Nevilles Gran attacked her with a hug. "Oh Luna dear how are you Neville's told me all about you." It was getting harder for Luna to breath as Nevilles Gran squeezed the life out of her. "Your - grandson - is - great." Luna gasped in between wheezes. Gran immediately let go "oh I'm sorry Luna I just missed you so much even though we've never met I feel like I know you." Luna nodded a slight smile taking over her face. Luna looked around the shop taking in all of the different color shapes and sizes of the soaps. Gran followed her eyes "if your looking for Neville he's out getting Trevor a new hat." Luna looked back at Gran "I wasn't well I was - I just wanted to thank him for getting me this job." Gran nodded then realization hit her face "oh - oh! Right come this way." She led Luna to a counter where people checkout. "You will mostly be here and if I need you to switch I'll walkie you uhm -  so just stay here and wait for customers — can you do that Luna?" Luna nodded her head. "Good good, — well I'm off."


Blaise walked back into his dorm grim he made a first year cry today and a third year so scared he wet his pants. Blaise never intended to be rude he only asked the first year if he wanted help finding his class. but he guesses its his path to be mean.

Blaise was welcomed by Malfoy pulling a coat on and shoving about thirty galleons in his pockets. "Are you running away?" Blaise uttered kicking his shoes off. Malfoy scoffed "of course not — I'm going to visit Luna at her new job - and your coming with me." Blaise shot up from his seat. "absolutely not!" Malfoy shrugged grabbing Blaise's arm. "You don't have a choice mate." Blaise wrangled out of his grip and stomped his shoes on. "You and your whole family are Looney!" Malfoy rolled his icy blue eyes and grabbed Blaise's jumper. "Let's go."


Luna only got two customers that day and one was a old lady looking for a prune scented soap bar. The other was her father he only came to support but he ended up buying about fifteen soaps for their house.

It was nearing the end of day and Luna began to close up "wait!" She heard screaming Luna turned her head to see Malfoy and Blaise out of breath. "Hi cousin are you still open?" Malfoy heeved. Luna looked at the clock then back at them. "Of course come on in." Luna strolled back to her place behind the desk and she watched as Blaise and Draco smelled the different scents.

"Do you have anything green apple scented?" Draco asked picking up a soap that looked like a mimbulus mimbletonia. Luna nodded pointing over to the fruit section behind her. Draco smiled walking towards them his black hoodie disappearing with him. "Thanks cousin!" Luna chuckled counting the money in the register she made 250$ today. Well Gran made it she just get about 25$. Luna put the cash back in the register and began counting the coins only to be interrupted by no other then Blaise Zabini.

He strutted up to her counter wearing all black and a slytherin scarf. Luna looked up at him with big doe eyes. "I like your style." Blaise merely hummed. "How do you do that?" Luna looked at him. "Do what?" She asked counting the Galleons. "Stay so - chipper all the damn time." He scowled. Luna shrugged putting the money away "if you spend your life being sad you'll miss the whole thing." Blaise scoffed "who told you that rubbish." "Your mom did actually we met at the Christmas ball of 1999." Blaise shut up. It was quiet for awhile none of them said a word, Luna wanted to talk to him she wanted to so bad but she didn't want to get yelled at again. "You love him don't you?" Luna looked at Blaise "Love who?" Blaise looked over Luna's shoulder "Draco." Luna nodded "of course I do he's my cousin silly."

Blaise rolled his eyes he was so sick of her being so happy all the time. "You know he's only talking to you now because he has no one left, well besides me of course." Luna looked back at Blaise. "What are you talking about?" She laughed slightly. "Malfoy - he's only talking to you now because everyone else hates him he told me so himself." No he didn't. he just wanted to see Luna's smile fade. Which it did actually but only slightly.

"Alright I'm ready - are you okay Luna?" Draco came back with about thirty five Green apple soaps in his hands. Blaise nodded and Luna checked Draco out. "See you tomorrow looney!" Blaise shouted slamming the door behind him.

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