V i r g i n

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Blaise had gone mad, he would lock himself in a room hours at a time not eating not showering he didn't even talk. He was so obsessed with finding her he didn't take care of himself.

The room he was in was filled with boards and pins with string connecting them. Blaise stood in-front of that board everyday. Crossing out impossible suspects and circling evidence. Draco was worried for him.

Draco brought him food every now and then, he said it was because he had nothing better to do but he cared he really did.

"Blaise you must eat something these plates are rotting." Malfoy looked at the room holding his nose from the putrid smell.

Blaise ignored him.

"This is like looking for a needle in a haystack." Malfoy sighed sitting on the bed.

"Haystack haystack shack- shack!" Blaise sped off his chair and too his desk removing everything off it except pen and ink. He began drawing scribbles of what looked liked a map. "Their at the shrieking shack." He mumbled.

"How do you know-"

"Don't question me we need to go, but we will need help."


"You want us to help you find my ex girlfriend." Harry pushed his glasses up his hair getting in the way of his face. Theodore Nott and Parvati Patil where on chairs as well.

"I still don't understand why we are here." Parvati said twirling her braid.

"You love them don't you!" Malfoy sneered looking them up and down. They all slowly nodded, "then act like it they are all in serious pain and the aurours aren't doing jack shit about it!"

The room went silent.

Out of no were Theo stood up. "I'll help you." Harry looked at him and got a surge of confidence "I will too." Parvati rolled her eyes. "She so owes me head."

"I'll help as well."

"Great let's prepare for battle then."


Harry brought them all to a field it was a grass field behind many trees. In a way the place reminded Blaise of Luna.

"If you all remember this is where I did the DA." Harry gloated talking his wand in his hand.

"We don't no snakes allowed remember." Theo and Blaise rolled their eyes. "Oh I remember that I busted you." Malfoy began laughing.

"Anyway." Harry shot him a deadly stare. "We learned to cast the prontons charm which we will need just in case there are dementors."

Theo started laughing uncontrollably "you mean the ones that made you shit your pants." Malfoy and Blaise started laughing as well. "It's like working with five year olds." He said to Parvati who was only trying not to laugh her self.

Harry preformed the charm trying to get his peers to do the same. Parvati got it on her first try so did Theo, Blaise tried to think of his mama and her big floppy hats and her homey smell. He got it in his third try but he still got it; it was a fox.

It was draco who had trouble he kept trying and trying. "Let's just hope your with one of us if a dementor approaches you." Harry gave him an awkward smile. "Yeah let's hope." Malfoy's electric blue eyes went dull.

Blaise put his hand on Draco's shoulder. "Don't worry about it mate I'll be there to save you." Blaise smirked. Draco shoves him in the rib with his elbow. "Arse."

"Hey I wanna be included!" Theo yelled tackling them down.

They all laughed with each other messing up their hair and shirt.

"We are so gonna die." Parvati sighed sitting in the grass.


All the girls sat in the cell they haven't separated them which was a good thing because without each other they would have most likely gone insane.

They didn't give them any water so they drank their spit. It wasn't working very well.

"Are we going to die?" Pansy coughed her throat so dry. "Yes." Hermione gulped her body wouldn't even let her swallow anymore.

"Well at least I'm not dying a virgin." Lavender smiled slightly blood dripping down the side of her mouth.

"Cheers to that!"

Luna diverted her eyes away from them. Hermione gasped. "Luna you never?!"

Luna's head hung low as she shook it. "You and Blaise you and Neville?"

"Nope." Luna popped the p slouching down. "But you've known each other for a whole year!" Pansy raised her voice shocked.

"Yeah and half that year he hated me so we have only properly dated for about two months." Luna spoke sarcastically surprising her peers. "He has certainly changed you." Pansy giggled her bob bouncing.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing." Luna tilted her head her long hair moving with her.

"The best thing." Pansy smiled.

The cell door gave a nasty creek making the girls cower, "here wouldn't want you're dying on me then you wouldn't get to see your loved ones die for you." The man in the white mask frowned. He threw four water bottles on the floor the girls scurried to take one. "Is this a joke there's only four!" Hermione complained. The man grabbed the back of her head forcing it to look at him. "Be lucky you got anything." He spat in her face. "You all smell of hippogroff arse." The man scrunched his face. "Sign them up for a shower!" He yelled in Hermione's ear.

"So whose first?"

A/n: I hate this chapter so much I feel like there are no details but I have major writers block.

this book is coming to an end :(

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