B r o k e n

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When Blaise heard the news he was with Draco, His owl flew in and landed the paper on the table just like every other morning. Malfoy was getting his tea and Blaise was watching his channels.

"Hey hand me the paper mate?" Blaise yelled over his cartoons. Malfoy grumbled tightening his apron. "Your so bloody lazy it's like as soon as you lost Luna you've become a bloody mess you've been in those same clothes since Friday!"

Blaise shrugged his shoulders "so."

"It's Thursday!" Malfoy yelled disgusted with his friend. Blaise turned his body toward Malfoy who was behind him making his body stretch across the couch. "Oh I'm a mess - how come the only thing you have gotten for groceries is oranges?" Malfoy was silent. "I like oranges." He mumbled.

"No you don't YOU like Granny Smith apples from America but you know who does like oranges-"

"Don't." Malfoy warned holding a knife in his hand waving it dangerously at Blaise.


"Zabini I swear!"

"GRANGER!" Blaise yelled. Malfoy took off chasing after Blaise with the sharp blade in his hand. While Blaise screamed bloody murder. "Help me Help me!" He yelled.

Narcissa came into the room startled at the sight, she got flashbacks of when they where kids and Draco would chase Blaise around with a knife for eating the last cookie. She wonders what there fighting about now.

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Draco screamed chasing Blaise in a circle around the couch. "It's not my fault your in love with a muggle!" Draco screamed running after him.

"Enough!" Narcissa yelled. The boys stopped in their tracks and Malfoy dropped his knife. They pointed to each other at the same time. "He did it" they said together. Narcissa groaned "it's like your both five again!" Draco and Blaise looked down in shame.

"I've had it with you two." Narcissa made her way to the table, "what's in the paper?" She asked looking at the boys.

"I don't know mister bossy pants wouldn't let me see it." Blaise looked at Draco when he said this. "I'm not bossy!" Draco seethed. "Are too!" "Am not!"

"Are too-"

Narcissa hit her head on the table as the men continued. She picked up the paper and started flipping threw the pages. When all of a sudden she dropped it. There on the third page was the faces of the five missing girls. Narcissa put her hand over her stomach. That's when the boys Started paying attention. "Are you alright mum?" Draco asked stabling her.

Narcissa with a shaking hand pointed to the paper. Blaise walked passed them to pick it up. And what he saw would change his life forever. On the page it said his Luna was missing.

Blaise dropped the paper and let out a gut wrenching scream. It felt like he was being ripped in half with a hot saw, while they squirted salt in his wounds. He fell to the floor screaming and shaking.


"Look girls your famous!" One of the masked man said throwing the newspaper at their feet.

Pansy with her hands tired behind her back looked at her picture. "They just had to include my weight." She rolled her eyes.

Luna had remained positive during this whole thing and she kept calm. To keep herself busy she would chase the centipedes and spiders. She would pray to Merlin that someone would save them.

Lavender had passed out dew to being punched in the face for "bad behavior" while Ginny Weasley cursing out the gaurds behind their back.

Hermione's hair was in a birds nest they didn't let the girls shower nor did they let them brush their teeth. So you can imagine the smell.

"I like my picture." Lovegood smiled looking at it. "How are you so fucking chipper Luna!" Pansy growled.

"Because they'll save us." Luna looked around the dark leaky cell. "They'll save us." Luna yawned putting her head on the pavement as the girls watched in silence.

"So looney." Ginny laughed.

"Very." Pansy agreed laying her head on top of Luna's stomach.

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