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July 26th
"Do you want to go out today or do something?" Erin asked Jay. She was sick of staying in the house; it drove her insane. Erin had done everything: bought things for their little girl, looked at houses, looked at wedding things. "Sure. We could go to the cinema." "Ooo what's on?" Erin smiled in excitement. "I don't know, look." Jay sat down next to her on the couch. Erin unlocked the iPad and started to look. "IT 2 is on." Erin said. "I didn't know you liked horror films." Jay said in surprise. "Well I do. I'll book the tickets now. Shall we sit in the middle?" "Yeah." Jay smiled.

Erin and Jay were on their way to the cinema. Erin made a face of pain. "Are you okay? You're not having contractions are you?" Jay asked panicking. "No I'm okay. I think she just kicked too hard." Jay raised his eyebrows because he knew Erin covered up pain very well. "Jay honestly I'm okay. Believe me, I would never put our baby in danger. If I was having contractions I would tell you." Erin smiled. "I promise." Erin whispered. "Okay." Jay smiled at her.

"We're in G1 and G2 on the end in case I need to pee because this one is sat on my bladder." Erin laughed. "I'm sure we'll be fine." Jay wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

As the film went on, Erin's pain in her stomach was getting worse. It was painful now, not just uncomfortable. "Jay I think something's happening or something's wrong." Erin whispered, as not to disturb the other people in the cinema. "What?" Jay looked at Erin in panic. "You're having contractions. Has your water broke?" Jay asked. "I don't think..." And a puddle of water formed on the floor. "...so." Erin finished. "I'll phone an ambulance." Jay pulled his phone out and dialled 911.

"Just breathe Erin. In and out." Jay was holding her hand trying to get her to calm down. The lights had turned on in the cinema and the film had stopped playing. The rest of the people in there weren't aware of the situation until now. "Paramedics!" Someone shouted. "Here! Down here!" Jay shouted. Erin was squeezing his hand so hard it was starting to turn white, but he didn't mind.

"Erin we're going to take you to the ambulance. You're not ready to push yet." Gabby Dawson instructed Erin. "Ok. It feels like I am. It fricking hurts." Erin puffed out. "It'll be okay; I promise and it'll be worth it." Jay smiled at Erin.

They got Erin into the ambo and Sylvie Brett got in the front to drive. "I am not letting you anywhere near me Halstead. This is painful." She huffed out in pain. "I'm sorry. But in a few hours maybe, we'll get to meet our daughter. And she's going to look just like you." Jay tried to calm Erin down. But it wasn't working. Gabby looked at them both laughing because she knew that this is what her and Matt Casey were going to go through eventually.

They arrived at the hospital and Erin was taken to the delivery ward. Jay had let the team know they were at the hospital waiting for their arrival to come. The team had arrived and were in the waiting room.

"Erin you're about 8cm dilated. Not long to go." The doctor checked Erin. "How long? Because this flipping hurts." Erin said in pain. "About an hour maybe less." The doctor acknowledged and left the room. "See not long and she will be here." Jay smiled.

"Push Erin!" The doctor said. "I can't. I'm too tired." Erin shut her eyes. "You can; just one more push." Jay kissed her hand. Erin had been in labour for a long time and couldn't go on any further.

Baby's cries filled the room. "There she is." The doctor passed Erin their baby girl. "Hello Bubs. Welcome to the world Willow Camille Halstead." Erin and Jay both smiled down at their tiny creation. She had a full head of hair and gorgeous big blue eyes. "I'm so proud of you Er." Jay kissed her head and watched her as she interacted with Willow. "Do you want to hold her?" Erin smiled up at Jay. "Yeah for a little bit." Erin carefully passed Willow over to Jay. Willow looked up at him with her big baby blue eyes. She fidgeted a bit but eventually calmed down.

After about fifteen minutes, Jay passed Willow back to Erin and went to inform the unit. "She's here. Born at 18:16. 6lbs 8oz." Jay told them. "Congrats Halstead." Voight patted him on the shoulder. "What's her name?" Kim asked. "I'll let Erin tell you that. You can come see her." Jay said. They all followed him to Erin's room.

"There she is! Our new addition." Kevin said, as they all walked into the average sized room. They all gathered around the bed. "What's her name?" Kim asked eagerly. "Willow Camille Halstead." Erin looked up and smiled at them all. "She's really beautiful Linds." Adam said. "You can hold her, if you'd like." Erin offered. "Like! I'd love to hold her." Kim quietly shouted out. Carefully, Erin place her newborn into Kim's arms. The team all gathered around her and cooed over Willow. Hank stood next to Erin's bed watching his unit turn soft over a baby. "Camille?" Hank asked. "I wanted to honour her. She was the most amazing woman in my life." Erin said. Hank grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently.

Over the course of the evening, the team had enjoyed meeting Willow and chatting together. Jay had stayed overnight, whereas obviously the team went home. Willow wasn't too fussy and only woke Erin and Jay up three times during the night. Erin was still exhausted, so at every chance he had, Jay tended to Willow.

They both had, had an incredible, wonderful and amazing day. They'd welcomed their newborn into the world. Erin and Jay couldn't be happier to be parents, especially to Willow Camille Halstead.

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