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December 1st
Erin's pov:
It had been two months, one week and one day since I left Chicago. Ninety nine thousand one hundred and seventy nine minutes, five million nine hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and eighty seven seconds. Every single one of those seconds I have missed my family back in Chicago. I love New York but Chicago is my home.

I woke up and got breakfast like I do every morning, I got dressed and went to work. "Hey Erin how are you?" Lily asked. "I'm good how are you?" "I'm good too." I sat down at my desk and started my paperwork. "Lindsay you wanna come to the bar round the corner tonight?" Luke said. "Nah I'm good thanks." I said back. "FaceTiming your boyfriend again?" Freya asked. "Maybe." I smirked. "Erin are you ever going to leave him alone!" "Nope." I laughed.

Jay's pov:
I was sat in the district when Voight called out, "We've got a case!" He explained it and told us to go find some things out. Me and Madison were driving to a lead, "You know Jay you're very hot, I'm quite envious of your girlfriend." I sat there speechless, did she seriously just try to hit on me again!? "Don't look so shocked!" She joked. "James, this isn't how work colleagues are supposed to act!" I defensively stated. "I'm stating obvious facts Halstead." "Just be quiet."

We drove to the lead and it lead us to somewhere in the case. We got back to the district and told Voight.

We had finally wrapped up the case and I headed home. I noticed this car following me back to my apartment. I thought nothing of it and continued driving. I got to my apartment and got out my car. I walked up the stairs and unlocked the door, I walked in and locked the door. I sighed then plonked myself on the sofa, I got my iPad and clicked on Erin's name.

Erin's pov:
I'd just got in and Jay was FaceTiming me, "Hi." I said. "Hi, it's December!!" "Yeah I'll send your present tomorrow." I smiled. "I'll send yours, I miss you!!" He said. "I miss you more." I heard a door being kicked open and Jay turned his head. "Jay what was that?" I asked. "My door being kicked open." "Who is it?" "Hello Jay." I heard a female voice say. "Madison what are you doing?" Jay said. "Jay!!" I shouted. "Oh who's that?" Madison said. "I'm Erin and I'm Jay's girlfriend, who are you?" I sassily said. "Oh so you're the 'hot' one he goes on about?" She scoffed. "Excuse me, get out of my boyfriend's apartment." I defended Jay. "No you're not here so I'll have to show him what love is." She smiled. Jay had been sat there shocked the whole time. She went and sat on Jay's lap, "Madison what do you think you're doing get off!" He said trying to push her off. She planted her lips on Jay's, Jay pulled away immediately. "What on earth do you think you're doing?" He said. "I like you Jay!" "I have a girlfriend!" I couldn't do anything, I'm not there to stop her. I felt tears coming. "Madison get out or I'm calling Voight." He threatened. She got up, "I hope you liked the little show. Bye Jay!" Her sweet, girly voice sickening me. The door slammed shut.

Jay's pov:
"Jay are you ok?" Erin asked me. "Yeah I'm fine, are you not scarred?" "Maybe a little bit."
"I'm going to request to switch partners." I said. "Good, who does she think she is?" Erin conveyed. "I don't know, she's been flirting with me for ages." "I'm going to go get my tea, love you." Erin said. "Before you go, just know I don't like her at all, I love you too Er." Her face disappeared from my screen. I couldn't believe what just happened.

Erin's pov:
I swear another girl lays her hands on Jay, I'm flying home. Ok maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, I don't want to be the over protective girlfriend but Jay's the first boy in a long time that I actually trust. I love him more than I've loved any other boy.

I ordered pizza and ate it, then got in the shower. I pulled my pyjamas on and sat on the sofa. I miss my family in Chicago so much.

Jay's pov:
I ordered my tea in and ate it, I then phoned Voight.
J-Sargent I need to switch partners.
J-Madison kissed me in front of Erin.
V-Oh ok, you can go with Ruzek and she can go with Al.
J- Ok thanks sarge.
I text Erin to let her know I'd switched partners. It's been one crazy day.

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