Chapter 1

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The so-called 'Bakusquad' sat around in Mina's room, Denki Kaminari and Hanta Sero played Speed at her table, Kyoka Jirou was writing a song with Mina looking over her shoulder and occasionally giving ignored suggestions, and Ejirou Kirishima and Katsuki Bakugou playing Game Pigeon on their phones, occasionally yelling at the other to hurry up. Well, Bakugou occasionally yelled at Kirishima to hurry up, the red head just asked calmly if Bakugou was planning on going, usually earning a yell in response.

Needless to say, the room was full of noise. That was to be expected however, because it was the Bakusquad after all, and they were all very loud.

"Speed!" Sero yelled. "I win! Again!"

Kaminari grumbled something about the raven haired boy cheating then slipped over to his boyfriend, Eijirou, to see how he was doing. The ash blonde and redhead were playing Battleships at the moment, and it seemed like Eijirou was winning.

Mina's phone rang through the room at the same time as Bakugou groaned loudly and Kirishima squealed in delight- the shark boy had just sunk another ship.

Mina grabbed her phone and checked to see who the caller was. Her heart sank as she read the name.

Kane Watanabe.

Mina sighed, half tempted to just let it ring itself to silence before deciding she didn't want to get yelled at by her boyfriend for not picking up, plus, all her friends had gone quiet to allow her to speak at a normal voice level.

She answered the phone, clutching her comforter nervously, hoping her friends wouldn't notice anything was wrong.

"Where are you right now?" Kane's harsh voice demanded. He wasn't very soft.

"I'm with some friends. We're hanging out." She answered simply, hoping no one would notice the very slight quiver in her voice when she said 'friends.' Kane was also the jealous type, so she expected the next question.

"How many of them? And how many are boys?" He asked.

She sighed inwardly. "Look, now's not really the best time... we're hanging out."

"Your turn." Kirishima whispered to Bakugou.

The blonde nodded, choosing a random space, not caring that he didn't hit a ship or that Kirishima only needed one more and he would win. He was focusing on his pink friend's conversation. That girl didn't always have the best judgement with dudes, but Bakugou hoped that she would always end things with them if things got bad.

"At least give me a number. How many boys?" Kane asked.

"Erm..." Mina mentally counted off her friends. "Four."

"Okay. And girls? Not counting yourself?"


Mina could basically see Kane's eyes narrow.

"I have to go, sorry." Mina hung up before Kane would respond, regretting it almost immediately. She mentally prepared herself for the next phone call, when she would most likely get her ear yelled off, but leaned back towards Jirou's paper as noise filled the room again, not noticing Bakugou's red eyes studying her face carefully, narrowing as he noticed something.

A tear.


"Hey, Racoon Eyes!" Bakugou called.

"Yeah?" Mina answered to her nickname, turning to face the blonde. "What is it?"

"Dunce Face told me to offer you help studying because you wanted creation lady to help you but she couldn't for some reason and you didn't want to ask me- I don't know, you know how he gets, talking too fast for anyone to understand. Anyway I decided to listen because Shitty Hair had just arrived and I didn't want to be alone with them so grab your shit we're studying for that test." Bakugou Explained, rolling his eyes and sounding slightly angry as per usual. "And hurry up."

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