Chapter 5

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A few moments later they were at the checkout line.

"Is that all today?" the cashier asked Bakugou.

"Yes. Here." he handed over some money and stood to wait by the door. Just as Mina handed over her money, someone new walked into the store.

A boy around Mina and Bakugou's age with black hair that curled softly around his face. His eyes were a dark blue and he had a thorny rose tattoo swirling up his left arm, the petals opening at his neck.

Mina froze at Bakugou's side as they saw the boy at the same time, and the boy saw them. His sharp eyes gazed briefly over Mina before settling over Bakugou, scanning him from head to foot then focusing back to Mina.

"What a surprise to see you here." he said softly. Mina was tempted to take a step back but she fought the urge.

"Who the fuck are you?" Bakugou asked, clearly sensing Mina's distress. But he didn't understand. They had never met after all.

"Kane Watanabe." Kane said simply, extending a long fingered hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

"The feeling is not mutual." Bakugou said through gritted teeth. Mina grabbed his arm and shook her head slightly.

"You sound familiar..." Kane said, pulling his hand back and tapping his chin lightly. "Ah yes. 'She found someone better so shut the fuck up and never call this number again. I'll be blocking you too, so don't even try calling. If I ever see your face I'll blow your ass so far I won't get caught, because there'll be nothing left of you to find as evidence.'"

Bakugou growled. "Why don't I hold true to my promise?" he suggested, moving to take a step forward but Mina tightened her grip on his arm.

"No." she said simply. "No fighting. We're leaving. Let's go Bakugou."

Bakugou glared at Kane and allowed Mina to walk him closer to the door when-

"But no, that doesn't make sense. Blondie clearly isn't bad enough to date someone of Mina's standards." Kane said from behind them.

Mina tried to grab Bakugou's arm but he had already jumped back, blow after blow landing on Kane.

Screams filled the area and workers tried to pull them off each other, but no one was able to get near.

"Of course I wasn't talking about myself, asshole! Mina deserves way better than me, and definitely better than you." Bakugou hissed into Kane's ear as he landed another punch on the boy beneath him.

"Stop- stop- STOP IT!" Mina shouted, rushing forward and yanking Bakugou back. "If you two want to fight, take it outside. But do not bring me into this!" Mina glared at the two of them, Kane coughing up a little blood but otherwise smiling, clearly happy with the scene he had spurred Bakugou into creating.

Bakugou glanced at Kane in distaste then frowned. "I-"

"If you're about to apologize, don't, I wanted to beat up that jerk too." Mina said. "But get out. I doubt you're welcome here anymore."

The store manager nodded angrily.

Bakugou turned and marched out of the store, Kane following behind sheepishly after a glare from the manager. Bakugou sat on a bench to wait for Mina to come out.

"I can tell you like her." Kane said, smirking slightly. "Too bad she doesn't like you."

"Get the fuck out of here." Bakugou yelled. "Go on, get!" he created a few small explosions to prove his point then leaned back and watched as Kane limped away quickly.


"Thank you for helping clean up." a nice worker who's name was Ichika said. Her hair was icy blue and her eyes the same color.

"It's not a problem." Mina sighed. "I'm sorry about that scene." she gestured toward the door.

Ichika smiled. "I'm sorry for keeping you here and away from that blonde guy. Are you two friends?"

"Yeah." Mina said, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"But you wanna be more?" Ichika asked.

Mina froze her sweeping. "What makes you say that?"

"Everything about how you're acting right now." Ichika laughed. "I think he wants to be more too."


"You didn't hear him? He told that other asshole that he wasn't talking about himself being a better option, because you deserve better than him, not because you two are friends."

Mina didn't know what to say.

"Mina?" Ichika waved a hand in front of Mina's face. Mina jumped. "I say you go get him." Ichika winked and grabbed the broom out of Mina's hands. "I can handle the rest."

Mina chuckled and thanked the worker, grabbing the bag with her old clothes and Bakugou's and slipping out the doors.

"You.. waited for me?" Mina asked Bakugou nervously.

Bakugou grunted. "Yeah."


They stood in silence for a second.

"Ok let's go." Bakugou said, slipping his hands into his pockets and beginning to walk.

Mina glanced back toward the store window and saw Ichika nod encouragingly. Mina nodded once and jogged forward, grabbing Bakugou's arm.

"What?" He asked exasperatedly.

Mina took a deep breath. "Bakugou... I really like you."

Bakugou hesitated. "I like you too Raccoon Eyes." Bakugou rolled one eye.

"No, I really like you." Mina said again.

Bakugou didn't move.

"Did I ruin everything?" Mina whispered, looking up at Bakugou's face nervously.

He glanced down. "No."

Bakugou hesitated then gently pulled Mina's face toward his, kissing her softly.

When he pulled back he said, "no you didn't."


There's the end of my trashy fic that was originally a oneshot but I don't think one shots are 21 pages so I split it up into chapters lol.

If you read this, thank you for humouring me, you may go now.

(933 words)

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