Chapter 2

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"You need to find someone who makes you feel good about yourself." Check.

"Someone who sees your worth." Mina thought for a second. Yeah, check.

"Who tells you you're pretty and wants to spend all their time with you." No, not exactly. But maybe? Semi-check.

"Who would never hurt you." Check.

"Who loves you." Yeah, that's a definite no. But still, it was a nice thought.

Mina rolled over onto her back and stared up at the ceiling, imagining Bakugou saying those three words to her.

"I love you."

She shivered and flushed, turning back around and shoving her face in her pillow. No way had she just fallen for the one guy who probably didn't even have the capacity to love someone else.

No fucking way did that just happen.

It started off semi-small. Mina always felt emotions very strongly so by semi-small, I mean she just had an obsession. 

Mina started to catch herself staring at Bakugou while he sat in class taking notes, or just sat there getting yelled at by Iida because his feet were propped up on his desk. If Bakugou so much as shifted in his seat, Mina's eyes were drawn to his desk and she would watch as he got into a more comfortable position. Anytime he spoke to her, butterflies would erupt in her stomach. He never brought up Kane, for which she was thankful, but also slightly disappointed in. She had felt closer to Bakugou that night then she ever had before. She had seen a side of him she had never seen before. A side she desperately wanted to see again, but she had a feeling she wouldn't be seeing again for a while.

She had imagined a scene in her head.

Bakugou sat alone on a stool in a brightly lit room. Next to him was a small coffee table and in the center of a table was a box. The box was open and that's where the light was coming from, bright enough to illuminate every shadowy corner of the room. It almost blinded Mina as she watched Bakugou sit quietly in his own bright light. The light represented his soft side, his happy side, his caring side. There was so much of it!

Then Bakugou stood and harshly snapped the chest shut, so only a few streams of light streaked his face as he sat back down carefully, resting in his chair once more. The room was now completely dark except those few strings of light casting lines on his face.

It was silly, but it made Mina feel good, so she allowed herself to imagine it like that.

"Oy! Are you deaf or something?" Bakugou asked, making small explosions in front of Mina's face again.

She jumped back, not because she thought Bakugou would actually hurt her, but because she was surprised.

"Oh! Sorry..." Mina rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, forcing herself to look away from Bakugou's bright ruby-like eyes.

"Yeah yeah. Shitty Hair wanted to ask you something." Bakugou gestured to the redhead who was watching Mina with a slightly concerned expression.

Kirishima shrugged it off when he remembered who it was he was worrying about. Mina was always distracted. By someone's hair or a pretty butterfly or a song that was stuck in her head or a crush or anything of the sort.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party Kami is hosting tonight. His room. We wanna play tons of games- but it wouldn't be as fun if you weren't there." Kirishima said, giving Mina puppy dog eyes.

Maybe... but I know Denki, he hates boring games. This'll be full of truth or dare, spin the bottle, seven minutes in heaven-

"Who's going?" Mina asked, deftly watching Bakugou sulk away out of the corner of her eye.

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