Chapter 4

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"Come on Kiri! I wanna see in there!" Denki grabbed his boyfriend's arm and they ran toward a store, Kirishima laughing at his boyfriend's actions.

"I'm not going in there." Bakugou said immediately.

"You don't have to." Momo said, laughing. "I don't particularly wish to go into a store that only sells Pokémon plushies."

"Yeah, me either." Jirou answered. "Come look at this music store with me?" She pulled Momo toward a new store.

"Guess we're alone then." Mina said, faintly feeling her cheeks heat up.

"Tch, yeah. Where do you want to go?" Bakugou asked.

"I've always wanted to see what that store has." Mina pointed to a store called, 'Treyala.'

"I think it has clothes." Bakugou said, gesturing toward the mannequins in the windows where they were styling some outfits. Ripped jeans and sweaters, leather jackets, basically a few badass outfits as well as soft ones.

Mina slapped his arm playfully. "Yes I know. I wanna check them out."

Bakugou groaned. "Clothes shopping?"

"You're a model now." Mina dragged him toward the store.

"Wait what?"


Mina grabbed tons of clothes off the racks, piling them into Bakugou's arms.

"What did you mean, 'you're a model now?'" Bakugou asked for the hundredth time.

"Ooh this one is perfect!" Mina exclaimed, ignoring Bakugou's question. She piled another outfit onto Bakugou's arms.

"What is all this shit?" Bakugou asked. A worker glared at him in response, huffing.

"Sorry about him." Mina apologized quickly. "Be nice Bakugou! And it's not 'shit', it's going to look great!"

Bakugou had a sinking feeling that he was going to be forced to play dress up.

"Okay try this one on first." Mina handed Bakugou an outfit.

"Raccoon Eyes, I'm not wearing any of this stuff."

"Please?" Mina asked. "We'll be matching- it'll be cute! Please?" Mina asked, drawing out the 'eee' in the second please.

"I didn't agree to playing dress up." Bakugou deadpanned.

"Please Bakugou? It'll be fun!" Mina begged.

Bakugou sighed and eyed the outfit suspiciously. He sighed and went into the changing room, Mina following suit and going into her own changing room.

Bakugou walked out of the room wearing a white shirt and leather jacket, ripped jeans and a chain connected to his belt loops. He wore a simple chain around his neck, the artificial lights glinting off the silver.

"Where is she?" Bakugou muttered.

"Where is who?" Mina's nervous voice came from behind him.

Bakugou turned around and blinked at Mina in surprise.

She wore a peach crop top over a short black skirt, and leather ankle boots. She had two bracelets clinking together at her wrist and she wore a small jacket as well, with its sleeves ripped.

Bakugou didn't know what to say.

"Does it look that bad?" Mina asked hopelessly. "I have other choices."

Bakugou grabbed her arm as she turned toward her changing room door.

"No- it looks good." Bakugou said, glancing over her again. "But we don't really match."

Mina laughed and threw some clothes at Bakugou.

"Try that then."

Bakugou slipped back into the changing room, mumbling something about forcing him to change again.

When Bakugou came out again, he wore a dark shirt with a loose jean jacket over it and dark pants. He had a chain with a little 'B' attached to the end of it.

"Done. Can we go now?" Bakugou asked.

Mina shrugged. "We have to pay... I'll go change."

"Why would you change?" Bakugou asked.

"Because I don't really... I don't really look good in this, I don't think." Mina's voice grew slightly quieter.

Bakugou scowled. "You look good."

"Yeah you say that... but other people... Kane always told me-"

"Kane can go fuck himself. You look great in outfits like that."

"I don't know..." Mina mumbled.

Bakugou sighed. "You wear that and I'll wear this. You like how you feel in that outfit, yeah? Don't try to deny it, you looked so happy when you came out of the changing room."

Mina blushed lightly. She did in fact feel good in the outfit. She wanted to buy it, but she didn't want anyone to tell her she was ugly or needed to change or something. Shit like that happened anytime she wore anything that showed more than two inches of skin.

"You'll wear that if I wear this?" Mina double checked. Bakugou nodded once. "...Okay."


Idk what this was let's move on-

(735 words)

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