asian hate crimes

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tw: mentions of violence, r@pe, sexu@l @ssult and asian hate crimes.

i know i havent said much on this matter yet but i think it's something that we need to talk about.

asian hate crimes have been happening for years and this year due to the corona virus and white people having a new reason to be racist against poc have started to rape, kill, and torture people of the asian community that live in america.

this in any way shape or form is not okay whatsoever.

there are some charities that can help people gain money to help stop the hate crimes and get justice for the people that got hurt from these crimes.

some of the links that i'm sharing are for organizations connected to the gofund me's or for pages that can let you help them and spread the word about it.

personally i have no money to donate but at least speaking about it should be able to help

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