Liquid in the Wine

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Year 851

"(Y/n)..." I hear a deep voice call out to me as I snore on the cold ship floor. 

"Hm?" I hum picking up my head. 

"Wake up, we're here," A soft voice rang through my ears as I slip in and out of consciousness. 

"Five more minutes," I mumble holding up five fingers. 

There was a moment of silence before two hands on each arm lifted me up. 

"I said five more-!" I stop in the middle of my screaming to open my eyes to two people lifting me off the floor. 

A very tall man, with blonde hair split in the middle. Circle glasses, high cheekbones, and a beard. The woman on my left was relatively short, with mid-length black hair that flowed.  


"Wear this," Zeke says as they both put me down. 

"What's that?" I ask pointing at a gold and red band. 

"It's an armband, it's the rule to wear one while about in public. We are separated by the color of our armband. People with red armbands are like me, Reiner, Pieck, Porco, and you, people who are able to shift, known as Warriors or their immediate family. People who wear yellow are Warrior candidates. People with white armbands are the most common, citizens. Do not take it off unless instructed or if you are home," Zeke says as we three walk to the front of the ship. 

"So, why is mine different?" I ask as I pull up my armband. 

"You aren't allowed to pick a candidate for your power is too strong for a little body, I'm shocked you can even handle it," Zeke says as Pieck takes my arm. 

"Zeke is making it out to be harder than it seems, I bet you'll fit in just perfectly," Pieck says as she points in front of her. 

My eyes widen with amazement as I look up to a beautiful town full of people laughing and enjoying their time. No wall to be found, they were all so free, happy looking. A Pieck let go of my arm we continued down a ramp that led to the hard, concrete floor. 

"Welcome to Liberio, (y/n)," A familiar face said as I look to my left. 

"Reiner?" I asked as he let his back straighten up. 

"So, this is the girl you all were talking about? I don't get it, she doesn't seem all that special," A man walked in front of me with crossed arms. 

He was tall, had a dark undercut but had blonde slicked-back hair on the top. He had a rounded nose with mean eyes that looked down on me. 

"I'm (y/n) (l/n)," I say with my hand out as his eyes widen before his eyebrows furrowed. 

"Yeah, whatever," He says as he looks the other way. 

"Lighten up, Porco, she's new...Maybe you can show her around a bit tomorrow before you two start training together," Pieck says as Reiner takes my hand. 

"You're touching me," I huff as he squeezes my hand. 

"Deal with it, for now, we are going home for a decent night's rest," Reiner says, walking away from Porco and Pieck. 

"Why does that guy have such a bitchy attitude?" I ask as I look back to see Porco staring at me with a side-eye. 

"It's Porco, he's gonna be like that for a while," Reiner says as I turn back around. 

"Right...So, where the hell am I staying," I ask as he waves down a gate guard. 

"With me and my family," Reiner says as my eyes widen.  

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