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Year 850 


'No, that wasn't the sound of my bones being crushed in the hands of a titan, that was the sound of someone's wire being released.' 

A sensation of warm liquid started to slowly make its way up my leg.

'Am I dead?' 

"(Y/n)!!" I voice shouted out for me as I was dangling upside down. 

"Don't move!" Someone else said as I opened my eyes, I was face to face with a Titan. 

I didn't say anything but my breathing got heavier as the Titan looked up at me with its hungry eyes. 

Then, it had hit me. 

'The stinging pain coming from my leg was someone's wire keeping me from falling into the jaws of one of those monsters." 

I tilt my head up to see Sasha hooked on a tree and calling out to me.  

"Fucking pull her up already!!!" Jean says, hitting Sasha's head. 

"Jean! Give Sasha time!" Armin says, grabbing Jean's arm. 

"Jean come grab the wire and slowly pull her up," Sasha says as Jean grabs the wire. 

"Don't you risk the chance of the wire releasing?" Jean asks. 

"The hook already released its mini spikes, getting a good grip on her muscle so it should do," Armin says. 

As my blood started to rush to my head more and more I felt a tug on my calf. 

"I wouldn't suggest moving around!" Armin shouts. 

"Yeah! I wasn't planning on it." I yell back as Jean slowly raises me. 

I felt a hand wrap around my boot. 

"This is where your core workouts come in handy, give me your hand!" Jean says holding out his free hand. 

I curl up and grab his hand as he quickly pulls me up. As I safely make my way up, Jean just stares at me. 

"Don't look at me like that!" I say removing the hook from my leg. 

Armin reaches for his pocket and pulls out some leftover bandage and wraps my leg. 

"Does it hurt?" Armin asks. 

"It's bearable but I can't work with this blade in my arm, I could have saved you all the trouble if I could grip the branch," I say. 

Sasha offers me a hand up and hugs me and heads back to her position. 

"Are you...Crying?" I say pointing at Jean's face. 

He turns red and looks away, "N-No! Some dust got in my eye, that's all." He says as Armin and I giggle a bit. 

"You think I'll be risking too much if I take it out?" I ask Armin. 

"I'm not a doctor, so don't rely on what I am going to say, but I would leave it in." He says heading back to his branch as I walk out on the branch.

"I know what you're thinking Jean..." I say as he puts his head down. 

"You don't because I wasn't thinking about anything." He says. 

"Sure...Is that why you have that look on your face." I say as he pouts more. 

"I could have lost you..." His voice shakes. 

"But you didn't," I say smiling.

He doesn't say anything but instead, I hear fast, loud, footsteps coming up right behind me. As I turn my head around he grabs the collar of my jacket and yanks me closer to his face. 

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