The Life We Wish We had

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(A/n): Chapter 138 spoilers at the very end, when you see the "*FLASH*" and you haven't read chapter 138, skip to the end of my book.

Year 854 


"We're free!!" A civilian shouted in the streets as Armin, Connie, Falco, and I slowly rode back into Shiganshina.

"Long live the Yeagerists!!!" Someone else shouted as Armin brung us to a halt with the sweet smell of pie slowly filling our noses. 

"Dedicate your hearts!!" A table shouted, toasting with cups of beer in their hands as Armin signaled for us to tie up our horses. 

"I'm dedicating this drink to Eren," A man from the same table said as I furrowed my brows, helping Falco down from the high horse. 

"We'll need to hurry to where Reiner is," Armin says as Connie runs off to do his own. 

"Oh, come on," I nudge Armins' side as he pouts to me. 

"Don't worry, he'll be in a coma for two or three days," Gabi says as I see Falco looking around. 

"Hey...Are you sure we should really be taking this detour?" Falco asks as I place my hand on his head. 

"You're telling me that you aren't hungry?" I said ruffling his hair as we sit down at a lunch bench. 

"But, is it true, Armin?" Connie asks, bringing up two freshly baked pies as my eyes light up. 


"Hm?" Armin asks as I look over to Gabi and Falco who are smiling at each other in delight.  


"That Annie might be back?" Connie asks as a sound of messy eating echoed through my ear. 


"Yeah...If all the hardening was undone, it's a possibility," Armin says as I look to my left towards the chewing and smacking. 

I glance over to the left the see a hooded woman gobbling down a whole pie. As I lean over the table, I see a defined nose with strands of blonde hair waving back and forth between bites. My eyes widen as I hit Armin's chest to grab his attention. 

"Hm?" Armin hummed as the woman stopped eating. 

"Huh?!! Annie?!!" Armin gasped as she slowly turned our way.  


"GAAAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHA!!!" Connie and I laughed at the sight of Annie's face full of crumbs and cherry pie. 

"A-Annie's..!!! Annie's gobbling down a pie!" Connie shouts, pointing at her as my stomach started to hurt out of laughter.  

"Hey!! Cut it out, you guys!!" Armin shouts trying to cover our mouths as Annie slightly frowned. 

"She really does have a sweet tooth!!" I shout as I hit the table repeatedly. 

"What a sloppy eater!!" Connie shouted as Armin furrows his brows. 

"It's her first pie in four years!!" Armin sighs as I lean back and fall onto the ground. 

"AHAHAHAH!"  Connie and I continue to laugh as Gabi and Falco tilt their heads at us. 



"Hear that?" Connie asks as he drops a barrel into a carriage as I hold my hands up to my ears. 

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