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bad liar- selena gomez (this is damaging my indie reputation but idc it's a banger)

bad liar- selena gomez (this is damaging my indie reputation but idc it's a banger)

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AN-  look at these incredible moodboards @bananamuffin27 did for bluejay <3 QUEEN they're so good ily :'))

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AN-  look at these incredible moodboards @bananamuffin27 did for bluejay <3 QUEEN they're so good ily :'))

btw, smut again to keep u satisfied until jace wrecks noahs-

(also i love how sometimes i write sex scenes like shakespeare sonnets and then other times they're like 'and then he shoved a massive fucking dildo up there' LMAO my range. my versatility.)

btw im pretty sure i fucked up noahs end of school experience bc i dont understand the american education system LMAO but uhhhhh just pretend that it makes sense okay? i failed maths and i have big boobs, i dont need critical thinking skills

IMPORTANT 2021 edit- OKAY SO FOR CONFUSED RR'S- i changed the school scene at the end to a high school leavers event bc i completely fucked up the school-college timeline the first time round lol, & for first time readers, im sorry if there's inconsistencies later on that i havent edited out yet <3

LAST THING I PROMISE but i just had the thought that jace would so be one of those husbands who wears a 'i love my wife' shirt but his wife is actually noah. just putting this out there


Something poked my cheek, and I tried to bat it away.

"Noah, wake up you fatass."

I grumbled something incoherent, mad that my dream about having a hot boyfriend was being interrupted before the big kiss scene.

I heard a sigh, before someone's lips blew a loud raspberry onto mine. With a sleepy grump of annoyance, I blindly flailed out my arms and pushed away the gross thing that was attacking me.

"I'm taking off my clothes," said the sing song voice in a final act of desperation.

Groggily, I opened my eyes.

Jace's upside down face was smiling cockily at me from where it hovered above my body, and I almost punched him before I realised that my dream was actually a reality. "Are you my hot boyfriend?" I said in awe, still half asleep.

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