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AN- i'm sorry this one's a little short, i've been busy with exams and crying on my bedroom floor <3 also it might be late? who knows. you decide. but uhh sorry if it is! idk i'm not really aware of the passage of time :D

michael cera- clay pigeons


Okay, so I didn't actually mean to fall asleep. But Noah just looked so, well, Noah.

His hair was a dark halo blanketing his forehead, and underneath it was the angelic face that I was lucky enough to kiss. Noah's nose twitched in his sleep, and I chuckled softly, watching him like a creep with my elbow propped up to support my smiling face. I could've watched him all day. Even if I looked slightly disturbed.

Last night, when he'd started snoring like an overindulged puppy, I took the liberty of cleaning him up with my rain drenched t-shirt. Gross, I know, but that was what you did for love. I also wasn't thinking about what I was meant to wear in its place, but if it meant I got to see Noah ogling at my bare chest when he thought I was oblivious, it was worth it.

"Good morning," I said, disgustingly cheery despite the fact that morning's could never be a good thing. But my grin didn't go away, even as I kissed his cheek like a happy moron and watched one sleepy eye warily open.

"G'mornin..." He mumbled illiterately, curling into my body with a tired smile- a comforting gesture that faded all too soon when Noah abruptly sat up, eyes wide. "Wait. Morning?!" I watched dreamily and unbothered as he panicked, looking at the golden dawn outside and wrapping himself in a blanket. The rocking back and forth started immediately. "Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no. We weren't supposed to stay out all night. Your family is gonna hate me. What happened to you being the bad boy, huh?" He slapped my arm, and I grinned harder. "Jace. This isn't funny. I'm irresponsible. I'm a bad influence. I'm a phone call away from being sent to one of those rural wilderness retreats that suspiciously only contain gay teenagers."

"Noah?" I said softly. He poked his head out of the blanket, looking like Mary Magdalene on the streets of Jerusalem.


"I love you."

He blinked, blushed, and then smiled like it had just occurred to him that he had a scorching hot boyfriend, and the last thing we did was have sex. "Oh. I love you too." And then he threw himself at me, toppling us both over to nuzzle into my laughing chest. "Sorry. I guess we could stay a little bit longer."

"Nope," I pouted, pushing his face away. "You don't want me anymore. I see how it is."

"I do!"

"You hate me. You want me dead."

He pouted back from on top of me. "And you're gaslighting me."

I grinned. "Can I gaslight you into having sex with me again?" Noah glared at me. "Wow," I said, gazing at him in wonder. "So much hatred for such a small, soft boy."

"I'm not the only thing that's small and soft," he grumbled, curling up in a blanket ball and jokingly refusing to face me.

"That insult doesn't work. I have the biggest penis known to man. Just ask your ass."

"You are what you eat."

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "And what's that?"

He poked his head out of the blanket to stick his tongue at me. "A dick."

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