bonus chapter

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2022 AN- hiiii long time no see .... okay so apologies, but this chapter is gonna be the most edited bonus chapter .. im sorry i just am so embarrassed of my past self so i cut back on the very uneducated sex stuff lol (theres still some sexual content but it's less explicit), and i also changed most of the dialogue so i could write eugene closer to his actual character if that makes sense? idk anyways i made a fewwww changes and it's better imo....... rr's forgive me pls, rip all ur comments </3

(btw for the sake of fiction lets pretend that lee washes down there regularly SBFJDSFHS bc if he thought he was straight he wouldnt be douching irl (boys are nasty) but IN THE WATTPAD UNIVERSE HES ALL CLEAN AND HY-GENE-IC! I MAKE THE RULES!!!!)

and fyi, this is set on the night where girlboss noah invited everyone in jaces contacts to his 'party' and then got the best head of his life for being an annoying little bitch

also, the song is: ONR- must stop (2022 AN- it's sickening how hard this song goes omg ur welcome)


"Let me through."


Chesca shoved, I stumbled; everything as expected. I was gripping onto the railing for dear life, but the last sources of my barely-there strength were depleting rapidly. There was only so much I could take when I was built, as Pacey put it, like a cardboard cut out. One more manicured push from Chucky herself and I'd be at serious risk of permanent injury. But as scary as she was, Jace was scarier. It was hard to make a distinction between arguably two of the worst people in the world, but the fact remained that if I went against my brother in a fight, I'd be dead in seconds. Hence why I could not let the evil ginger infiltrate his bedroom. I'm still so young, I thought helplessly. I need to live.

"I'm literally hotter than you," she said, incredulous.

I frowned. "So... that means... I have to do whatever you say?"

She looked genuinely dumbfounded, as if I was an idiot for considering any other possibility. "Uh, yeah?" Suddenly, I felt like an unwilling participant in a psychological experiment. Sanity was slipping away from me with every passing second.

"It's not like she hasn't been in his room before," Brandy said from behind her dictator of a best friend, taking out her gum and sticking it on the back of a random guy that walked past. "And she's literally hotter than you."

The strawberry blonde shot daggers at Brandy. "I already used that line, you dumb slut." She made a sound of disgust before turning to me with a frustrated sigh. "Now move, or I'll make you."

I was well aware of how pathetic it was to pull the 'brother card', but truthfully, I couldn't get more pathetic if I tried. "You can't. My b-brother-"

"Listen up, you bacteria. I seriously doubt your b-b-b-brother gives a flying fuck about your wellbeing. He'd probably help me beat you up." Fuck. "Okay, whatever. I'm bored and you're annoying."

When she shoved me back onto the staircase, my life flashed before my eyes. This was it. If she didn't kill me, Jace would. And then my parents. And then, maybe Satan himself (not my brother, the other one) would come and have a stab at me too, because that was how fucking bad my luck was.

But then there came a voice. Deep and rich and-

I forced my eyes open.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Eugene was the last person I expected to see towering over Chesca, but there he was. And he was fuming.

She gasped. "It speaks."

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