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Temptation exists for a reason. It makes the wrong thing look like something you've wanted to do your entire life, and without it, you won't be fulfilled. In its cruelty, temptation was all I felt when Jace was standing in front of me, completely naked, and the only thing I wanted to do was look down.

Don't break eye contact. Don't you fucking dare break eye contact.

If I was being completely honest, I'd got a glimpse of... it when he took me by surprise and burst through the door. I hadn't been able to control my eyes, too in shock that my brilliant plan had turned out to be not-so-brilliant, and that my best friends brother was in my room, wearing not a single thread of clothing.

It's not like I'd wanted to see his dick. I had barely even looked at it. But the flash that I had seen played over, and over, and over again in my mind, like a scratched record on repeat; it turned out the rest of him was just as irritatingly glorious. And so, even as I furiously trained my eyes upon his, I was biting my cheek in order to control myself.

I was so focused on my internal, whoreish battle that I barely registered his lips quirking up at the sight of my shell-shocked frame. "Hi, Quinn."

I swallowed. Loudly. "What? Oh. Yes. H-hello."

I couldn't tell if he was angry. He was smiling, but sometimes he did that when he was about to commit a felony worthy of an entire Criminal Minds episode. And the scariest part was that he was just standing there, shamelessly letting me see his body.

Arrogant ass.

"Are those my clothes?" He said with a terrifyingly calm smile, casually gesturing to the pile of material that I'd flung away in my panic. I'd been planning to trap him outside of his room, completely bare, and then invite his friends round to humiliate him. I'd told Beth to steal his phone and do the inviting part, but with her track record of leaving me for dead, I had no idea whether she'd succeeded. My evil plan clearly hadn't worked, anyway.

Well, except for the part where Jace was naked.

My eyes wide, I kicked the bundle away without breaking his gaze. "No," I lied.

He let out a tight chuckle, and shook his head. Uh oh. Yeah, this definitely looked like Criminal-Minds-level-crazy Jace. As he took a step forward, rolling his tongue on the inside of his mouth like the cocky bastard he was, I took a nervous step back. The brunet boy smirked and advanced even further, and I knew, without a doubt, that things were not going to end well for me.

"Did you really think this was a good idea?" He said, his taunting voice smooth and low. "That it was gonna piss me off?"

I swallowed and shook my head as I stumbled back again, every ounce of false confidence that I'd found in the last few weeks dissipating under his heated stare.

"It's cute though," he said with a smirk. "You trying to get my attention."


"I- I wasn't... I wasn't trying to-" My nervous stammering was cut off as my back hit the far wall. I had nowhere to go now. His smirk grew wider, and something burned in his brown eyes as he practically caged me in.

"You weren't trying to what, pretty boy?" The taller form grinned lazily, his gaze dark. "Get me naked?" I swallowed in shock, feeling my cheeks grow hotter as he continued. "Because considering the fact I'm not wearing any clothes and it's your fault, I'd say that's not likely."

His voice was almost husky, lower and hotter than it usually sounded. And despite myself, I felt something inside of me react to it. And it felt good.

Until I actually processed his words. And the fact that he was completely exposed. And standing right in front of me. Looking at me like that. Why was he looking at me like that?

Suddenly, the urge came back. You know, the one where you're not supposed to be doing something, which only makes you want to do it more. The issue was that the 'it' in question, was my best friend's brother's dick.

I wasn't gay. Like, at all. It was just the fact that I couldn't look at it when it was right fucking there was only slightly maddening.

"Don't look at the penis, you idiot," said the imaginary angel on my shoulder. It was Lee, in a white robe, halo and cheap, stick-on wings.

And then on the other side was a miniature Beth and Pacey, the latter wearing a red latex suit like Britney Spears, with his female counterpart only wearing the leggings substitute so that she could debut her 'Smoke crack, worship Satan' t-shirt. "Do it, you pussy," she said. Mocking me.

The mini Lee interrupted her persuasion. "Noah, don't listen to her. The penis is not your friend. Heterosexual males do not look at the penis."

"Look at the penis."

"Don't look at it. Don't you dare-"

Pacey/Britney cupped his hands over his mouth, and yelled. "Penis, penis, penis, penis-"

I shook my head, telling my thoughts to fuck off. And then, I said a prayer, and looked down.

Holy fucking shit.

I'd only let my eye contact stray for a millisecond before I flushed and looked up again, but it was enough. I'd got a pretty good idea. And it looked... big. Weirdly, it had looked more rigid than I'd expected it to be. I'd never seen another guy's... thing up close, but I was sure they weren't meant to be that stiff. Mine only looked like that when I was, you know. Which Jace definitely wasn't. He couldn't be. For obvious reasons.

Against all my better judgement, I wanted to look at it again, even though I'd never thought like that before. Something inside of me tightened as I involuntarily wonderee how it would feel, pressed into me, against my lips, my fingers, below my arched back- I almost choked right in front of him, terrified he could somehow read my delusional mind. I couldn't understand why I was thinking like that at all. Jace was clearly attractive, but that didn't mean I was attracted to him. I liked girls. Pretty girls. Girls with brown eyes and tanned skin and a lean, toned, 6ft body.

A slight shift in his facial expression told me that he'd noticed my focus dip downwards, and surprise flashed across his face, before something warm and seething found its way into his eyes. They'd turned to gold in the light. If I could, I would have reached out and touched them. I would have drunk every last drop of honey pooling in his gaze if it meant that I could get a taste of him.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

The tanned boy's lips tugged upwards, and he leaned impossibly closer, our faces barely an inch apart as he caged me in with his muscled arms. I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he spoke, and an involuntary shudder passed through me. "Noah, Noah, Noah," he murmured, clicking his tongue in mock disapproval. "What are we going to do with you?"

I hadn't even realised my lips had parted, my eyes flickering half-shut as his words sunk their anchor into the deep end of me. He was somewhere in there, diving for answers I couldn't give. I had no idea what was happening, but most of all, I had no idea why I wasn't pushing him away. Maybe I had just taken it wrong. Maybe he wasn't trying to be suggestive. I mean, this was Jace Jackson. The player. The fuckboy. The only possible explanation was that he thought that I was gay, and he was trying to use me. Hurt me. I wanted him to stop, to take his face in my hands and say something, anything to make him understand what he was doing to me.

But I didn't.

It's not that I couldn't. I just didn't want to.

AN- 😳

uhhhhhh hhhh uhhmmmmm


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