‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ part seven ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

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pt 7

quackity's pov:

i step out of the airport, feeling the fresh california air on my face. the airplane trip felt like an eternity. also, food on there sucked.

i sit on a nearby bench. fiona said she'd be here by 4:00, but it's 3:55, so i decided to wait a few minutes before texting her. i really hope it won't be awkward seeing her. i really like her and i don't wanna fuck this up. i look up at the clear blue sky. i then decide to text her.

quackity: i'm outside of the main entrance.

fiona: i'm in the back corner of the parking lot, i can't believe we're gonna see each other in person

quackity: ikr i'm nervous tbh. i'll walk over to you LOL

i take a deep breath and begin walking toward where fiona said she was. every step i take, i get more nervous. i look around me, hoping to see her. each car i pass, i overthink more. what if i make a bad first impression? what if this is a bad idea?

fiona's pov:

i tap my fingers on my car anxiously. when's he gonna get here? i look around at the nearly full parking lot. i see people reuniting with family, friends, lovers. i take a deep breath. there's no point in worrying.

i think back to when i first met kalynn and weston in person. of course, it wasn't at an airport, they were live about 10 minutes away. it was at a nearby park. it took me about 15 minutes to realize i was at the wrong park. we laughed it off afterwards, but everytime they bring it up i get a bit embarrassed.

"fiona!" i hear a voice call out my name.

i turn around and see him. he's quickly walking towards me, a huge smile on his face. for a moment, we lock eyes. in that moment, all my worries about us meeting wash away. it's like time stops for a split second.

"quackity," i whisper to myself. i run over to him, hugging him without hesitation. he seems slightly startled, but hugs me back anyway.

"shit- sorry," i say.

"no! no it's fine!" he smiles at me.

we walk back to my car and i hop in the drivers seat.

as we drive back to my house, we laugh and talk about that drunk call last night.

"i can't believe you ACTUALLY bought tickets! i mean like i'm not complaining but sheeeeesh,"

"i came here for two reasons, for vidcon, AND to see your ugly face." quackity says in a sarcastic tone.

i put my hand on my chest and pretended to be hurt. quackity laughed at me then stares back at the road.

"whose car is that?" quackity says as we turn onto my street. i look over and see kalynns car.

"it's kalynn's car... but why?" i whisper loud enough so he could hear me too.

as we pull into my driveway, i notice weston and kalynn at my doorstep. "shit- i didn't tell them you were coming." i say. "just... stay here until i text you to come in." i open the car door and close it quickly, hoping they wouldn't see quackity's big ass head in the window. i put on a fake smile, hoping they don't notice how nervous i am, but who am i kidding, i suck ass at acting. so i immediately know they're gonna know.

"oh my god! what are you guys doing here?!" i say, adding a laugh in trying to make me seem normal.

"oh, we just came for a surprise visit! we thought maybe with all the hate you're getting on twitter we could come and cheer you up." kalynn says, looking a bit confused, "where were you just now?"

i smile and say, "i was just getting some groceries! i was running a bit low."

"... are you gonna bring them in?" weston asks, looking over at my car, "we can help if you need it!"

"oh i got it, don't worry!" i take a deep breath, "just help yourself inside!" i continue as i unlock my front door. they step inside, whispering something to each other. i wait until they're out of my sight to walk back to the car. i just stand there to stall, i feel my phone vibrate so i take it out and see a text from quackity.

quackity: everything's alright?

fiona: yup. gotta find an excuse to get groceries.

quackity: groceries?

fiona: yup, just give me a sec.

i finally think of what to do.

"guys! i forgot something at the store! i'll be back! you guys stay here," i hear 2 pairs of feet running towards me as i walk back to my car.

"wait i wanna go!" weston says.

"you can't. my car is extremely small and it doesn't help that the rest of the groceries are taking up space." i get into the car and close the door.

"but wait! just take them inside!" kalynn shouts so i can hear her through the window.

"can't! bye guys!" i shout as i pull out the driveway. i look at them sigh out of frustration. but suddenly, their expressions drop as they realize who's sitting next to me. so much for keeping him a secret. my phone starts blowing up from messages that the two of them are sending me.

kalynn: FIONA WHAT


fiona: 🤨


fiona: i'll explain later, let me just get the rest of the stuff!

i turn off my phone and take a deep breath.

"hey, you okay?" the boy asks sweetly.

"i'm fine, just a bit stressed." i drive to the grocery store in nothing but silence, trying to figure out a way to get myself out of this one.

koury's pov:

"why the fuck was quackity there." kalynn says as she walks back into fiona's house, closing the door behind her.

"well i'm pretty sure she has a reasonable explanation for this, but other then that, this is a nice place!" weston says.

kalynn nods her head in agreement, "but why is quackity there, do you think she's dating him or something? why would he come to visit her, there's like no explanation." kalynn says.

weston shrugs his shoulders and keeps walking throughout the kitchen. he starts rummaging through the cabinets.

"yo! you ate already. stop it." kalynn hits weston in the back of head.

fiona's pov:

"what do we do?" i ask, pulling over to the side of the road to think.

"it's not a big deal! they're your friends, they won't judge." quackity smiles.

"i know what i'll say." i say as i pull out of the parking lot to drive back home. i had got a bunch of bullshit groceries. me and quackity just sat in silence for the entire ride home. i felt myself growing more and more anxious by the minute. it had gotten even worse now that i was in front of the house. me and quackity looked at each other.

"well, let's go then." quackity says, looking me in the eye.

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