Part 12

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Outfit for meeting up with Cameron 

Outfit for meeting up with Cameron 

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Melissa's Pov

I just changed my clothes now I'm putting on my shoes. DING DONG. Oh that's the bell who the hell could it be right now.  I got up and started walking towards the door. I opened it and there stood Shawn using his phone. "hey" he smiled. "hi" I responded confused as to what he was doing her right now when he knows I'm about to leave. "you are probably wondering why I'm here but stop wondering I shouldn't need an excuse to stay with my best friend" he said while walking into the house with his bags. "HA HA HA Shawn I know you're just staying here because of my nightmares" I said. "actually that's not the only reason.. I kind of forgot the keys to my condo at Mom's house so yeah you're stuck with me" he smiled cheekily. "well I'm not complaining it'll be just like old times." "yeah.. M please tell me you're not going" he said. "I am Shawn and you can't stop me he's one of my best friends too what's wrong with you... all he said is he likes me and you're making a big fucking deal out of it" He stood up from the bed and scoffed "that's not all he fucking said" I looked confused because Shawn told me that was all he said "what else did h-" I was cut off by Shawn saying "nothing forget it go! I'll be here when you get back hurry up". 

I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed my phone and started walking to the door. I walked out and put my headphones in my ears so I could go to the treehouse. The treehouse was on the right side of the beach where I met Jaden.  not too far but it was a long walk because the beach was really big. Once i got to the beach i saw Jaden sitting on the sand. I was about to walk towards the treehouse but decided to say hi to him first. I ran towards him and jumped over his head. He screamed like a 2 year old and stood up. "HEYYYY" I screamed. "hey" he said not as enthusiastically. "you okay?" i asked worried suddenly. "yeah i mean i guess my dad kicked my little brother out because he's gay. " The worry on my face was now pure shock. "oh my god jay I'm so sorry" i leaned in to hug him. He put his head on my shoulder and then pulled away. i kept holding his hands to show him that I'm there for him. 

"I tried to explain to my dad that what he's doing is wrong but then the asshole kicked me out too. why? because I was defending my little brother" he explained and I swear I saw a tear fall out of his eye. I wiped his tear and smiled at him and I hugged him again "I'm so sorry jay why didn't you come to me before?" I whispered to him softly. "I didn't want to be a burden" he whispered back. "oh shut up!" I exclaimed and he chuckled. I mean at least I made him smile that's progress. "listen to me you guys can stay with me.. It's really lonely in the house and I've got a ton of rooms,.. pleaseeee" I pleaded. "no" he replied seriously. "yes Jaden this is not to be discussed further you and your little brother who i am very excited to meet by the way are staying with me forever!!" I dragged. "are you sure Melissa?" Jaden asked skeptically. " VERY FUCKING SURE!! now go pack your bags I have a little errand to run I'll meet you at my place.

"thank you sooo fucking much i love you bestie" Jaden laughed. I smiled widely and hugged him really hard. I shooed him away and told him to go pack so he left happily. 

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