Part 14

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Harry's POV 

I'm on my way home now.  The fucker or in other words Cameron fucking Dallas is beat up and lying on the ground inside of his house. Can't say i beat him up myself but i did most of the work. He did get a couple hits back but not as much as mine. I have a bloody face right now but i don't give a fuck i want to go back to Melissa and just stay with her forever. "mate do you want to come to our house or stay at yours tonight?" Shawn asked. I was still angry at Cameron but what the fuck did he mean by "our" house. He can't be staying there. I stayed calm it was hard to but i did because i couldn't beat up her best friend. 

"i'm gonna stay with Melissa" i grumbled. "okay and louis you're going back home?" he asked. I was getting sick of his voice so i got out of the car and walked to her main door. It was almost midnight but her light was still on so i knocked on the door. Shawn came running out "dude what the hell are you doing she might be sleeping" he whisper-yelled at me. I rolled my eyes and the second i did she opened the door. She was biting her lip and looking down at her phone. She looked fucking gorgeous. 

She looked up at Shawn and then at me. Shawn didn't do much because i wouldn't let him so he only had a cut on his nose. But i had a lot of cuts and bruises but no broken bones unlike the guy i beat up. When she looked at me she dropped her phone and covered her mouth. She gasped and pulled me inside. She walked me to her room but didn't say anything. She pulled me towards her bed and made me sit down. She still hasn't look me in the eye since she opened the door and i was getting worried. "M" i mumbled while sitting on the bed. She ignored me and walked to the bathroom with a cloth. Once she went it was really hard to hear anything but i heard her sniffle and i went to the bathroom. When i walked in she was dampening a cloth.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and put my face in her neck. She sniffled again and i looked up. I looked at her through the mirror and she was looking at me. She had tears in her eyes. My heart was aching i didn't want her to cry. Before i could turn her around and hug her she turned around her self and grabbed my hand. She gestured for me to sit down on the closed toilet and i did. She walked up to me with a first aid kit. I don't even know why she has that. She walked up to me and turned around. She put the kit on the laundry basket and took out a few alcohol swabs and turned back to me. She still didn't look me in the eye but was focusing on my face. 

I was looking right at her face and she was looking at all my cuts but wouldn't look me in the eye. She was opened the alcohol swab and came closer to me. Now she was standing between my legs and was looking down at my face.  "this might hurt" she mumbled. I sighed a sigh of relief that she finally talked to me. She bit her lip in focus and all i could think about was wanting to kiss her. 

The second the swab touched my cut i hissed in pain and she jumped. "sor-sorry i'm-i'm sorry" she ranted. I smiled at her and pulled her closer since she had jumped away. I grabbed her hips and pulled her to me. I kept my hands on her waist as she cleaned my face. After cleaning all my cuts she wiped my face with the damp cloth and put bandages where needed. Once she was done with all the first aid stuff she turned around and closed the kit and went to put it back to where she got it from. 

My eyes never left her beautiful figure even once. She walked back to me. I didn't think she would but she did. She came and stood between my legs and i wrapped my arms around her waist again. She wrapped hers around my neck. I put my head to her stomach and she ran her hands through my messy curls. It always seemed to calm me down when she did it, i loved it. 

I looked back up at her and we finally made eye contact. 

Melissa's POV 

He came in with cuts and bruises and i wanted to be mad at him but he's adorable  with his dimples and his curls and i cant help it. He looked up at me and i held the back of his neck and leaned down to kiss him. He kissed back softly and then i pulled away. He smiled a small smile and then when he saw that i smiled too his dimples came back and he smiled widely. He got up and lifted me over his shoulder like Shawn does with me and ran to my room and threw me on the bed. 

He got into the covers with me and he spooned me. 

We both fell asleep but the second we did my phone started vibrating. I got out of Harry's arms which by the way was so hard to do. He wouldn't let me go and now he was mumbling something in his sleep. 

I checked my phone and saw that it was Jaden calling. I furrowed my eyebrows thinking why he would call right now. I picked up and walked out of the room 

J- M?

Me- Yeah everything okay?

J- ye- i mean kind of? i dont know what to do can you come to noah's room please

Me- jay you're scaring me... I'm coming wait 

I hung up and ran up the stairs. I opened the door to Noah's room and Shawn and Jaden were sitting there while Noah was on the bed lying with a wet cloth on his forehead. "what happened?" i asked worriedly. "why didn't you tell me they were staying here? i practically walked in on him in his boxers." Shawn said. Jaden laughed embarrassed. I chuckled. "must have slipped my mind after everything Shawn" i bitterly said. I was still pissed at him. I walked up to Noah. "hey hun. What happened?" I asked. He sat up and coughed. "probably just the flu. but i puked too is that normal?" he asked me. "Hold on" i said. I ran downstairs and grabbed a thermometer and a flashlight.  I ran back up and checked his temperature. He definitely has a fever. I grabbed the flashlight and told him to open his mouth as wide as he could 

He opened his mouth and i got a look at his tonsils. He definitely had tonsillitis. Pharmacies were closed at this time but thankfully i had the medicines needed. I got him the meds and he had them. Eventually he fell asleep and after Jaden thanked me and Shawn went to the guest room. I left to go downstairs 

The second i entered my room I saw Harry sitting up waiting for me. "hey why are you awake?" i asked softly coming over to slip into the covers. "because you weren't here" he grumbled and pulled me to him. i giggled and he put his head in my neck like he always does and i put my hand in his curls. 

After a while we both fell asleep in each others arms. 

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