Chapter 4

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Langa slowly woke up, his legs feeling sore from the constant hiking of the previous day. He turned his head to see Reki close by, still fast asleep.

"Huh, so it wasn't all just a weird dream." Ranga whispered. He knew he should have felt scared or sad that he had ended up in a completely different world and almost died. But strangely, he felt excited. He didn't feel sad.

Instead, he wanted that silent moment, just him and Reki, to last forever.


Langa looked to see Reki's stunning amber colored eyes fluttering open. And then they looked back at him. Reki smiled.

"Huh, this wasn't a dream." Reki said. Langa nodded.

"No, it's real, I think." Langa said.

In the room was a minute window for the sunlight to filter through. The sunlight reflected in Reki's eyes, causing the amber color to shine and sparkle like gold.

"Reki, has anyone told you that you have beautiful eyes?" Langa wondered. Reki blushed.

"My mom." Reki said.

"I guess a lot of people are dumb then, how could they not notice." Langa said. Reki shrugged.

"Well, you're a lot prettier than I am." Reki said. Langa blushed, looking away as fast as possible to hide it.

"Huh! What makes you think that?!" Langa asked frantically.

"All the girls think so. They say your blue eyes are pretty, they say your hair looks like snow. Stuff like that." Reki explained.

"Oh. And, they don't say similar stuff about you?" Langa asked.

"No." Reki said.

"Oh." Langa replied.

"Langa, I umm. I kind of agree with the girls when they say that stuff. I mean, I've never met anyone else whose hair looked kinda like snow before." Reki said.

"Oh, thank you." Langa said.

Reki rolled over onto his stomach, put his hands beneath his hoodie pillow, and looked at Langa. Langa did the same.

Then, they... waited? They both lay there, looking at one another, not entirely sure what to say. Nevertheless, it was a silent, pleasant moment.

"Okay, I think we should get out of bed now." Langa said.

"What? You don't wanna stay?" Reki asked.

"I kind of do, but we should get out of bed." Langa answered. Reki buried his head in his pillow.

"Finnneeee." Reki reluctantly agreed.

The two clambered out of bed and out of their new bedroom. Looking into the other, Clay was nowhere to be seen.

"Where do you think he went?" Reki asked. Langa shrugged.

"Probably left before we woke up. I heard that adults wake up earlier than teenagers or something like that." Langa said.

"Huh." Reki said.

"I think it was my mom who told me that." Langa said.

Suddenly, Reki spotted the woodworking room and walked in.

"Oh. My. Goodness. This is perfect!" Reki said, his eyes sparkling and illuminating his grin.

All around him were various planks of wood, saws, and nails. Unfortunately, he couldn't spot any drills or screwdrivers.

"Hmmm. It might be a bit harder, but I can still totally do it!" Reki declared.

"Do what?" Langa wondered.

"Make a skateboard, of course!" Reki said.

"Reki... do you think that maybe we have... more important things to worry about. We're in another world where an old lady tried to eat us. I dunno. Also, maybe we should ask Clay before we use his woodworking tools." Langa explained.

"Okay, fine." Reki agreed.

Langa opened the door and stepped outside.

The hillside was covered in knee length grass and tiny pale flowers. Langa crouched down and picked one. Upon closer inspection, its petals glittered, almost as if they were made of snow or crystal.

"Sorry Langa, I'm going to make a skateboard!" Reki called from inside the cabin.

"Oh, umm, you're not gonna wait for Clay?" Langa asked.

"No. This is almost all I've been thinking about since we got here and the skateboard was gone. It's gonna be harder to make the wheels and the truck, but I'll probably think of something!" Reki explained.

"Okay, if you say so!" Langa said, still looking at the flower in his hands.

Reki went about making the deck first. It would by far be the easiest thing to make with the materials that Clay had.

Outside, Langa could see Clay returning to the cabin.

"Alright boys, I've got breakfast!"

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