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( 006. MUTED )



She leaned her face against her fisted hand, her nails slowly and steadily breaking past the skin of her pale palms. Professor Suzuki's voice followed her like a ghost into the depths of her mind, like background music, annoyingly playing from an anonymous source and never going away. Maya's head ached, a pressure in the centre of her head and she felt tired that morning.

She didn't sleep very well the last night, and it wasn't just because of Dazai. She had banished him from her house at around one in the morning and had gone to bed. But she slept at three in the morning after rolling around in the bed for two whole hours of endless nightmares she got without sleeping. And yet, after two hours of thinking about stuff she couldn't remember, she wasted another night with searching but not finding.

Her eyes bore heated holes into the clock in the classroom as she subconsciously tapped her foot against the floor. And just as the bell rang, she shot out of her seat, swinging her bag over her shoulder and getting ready to walk out.

"Mizuki-san," a hand fat hand placed itself on her shoulder, making her turn around.

She smiled, not a genuine one, the kind that comes automatically when you see someone you're supposed to respect.

'Good morning, Suzuki Sensei,' she signed.

Proferssor Suzuki smiled, resorting to going through the formalities instead of skipping them like he always did. "How are you feeling, Mizuki-san?"

'Good,' she signed, her brows knitted together, 'why do you ask?'

"No, no. Just that you've been looking a bit ditracted lately,"

She looked down to her hands, descrying the cresent-shapped craters in her palms. 'It's nothing,' she signed, stretching her pale lips into a smile against their will.

"Oh, okay, take care of yourself," he patted her shoulder, moving to sit behind his desk, smiling back at Maya as she threw one of her own over her shoulder while she walked out of the recently emptied classroom.

It wasn't ideal for Maya to skip all classes but her first morning class in college. It was only ten in the morning and she had three hours to waste-three hours to roam the city and go for train rides, and buy food and maybe go for a walk at the pier. And after that she could-

𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐀,  d.osamu | ✓ Where stories live. Discover now