Chapter 9

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He knocked, entering after not receiving a response.

Y/n was sitting on her bed, surrounded by the bedsheets. She appeared disorganized and detached from reality, a doll on display. Her distant gaze was drawn towards the windowpane. She didn't respond towards his entrance, despite his presence.

It irritated him.

"Is there anything you want?" Dream found himself saying. "Diamonds, emeralds, and gold, I can give it all to you."

"I want freedom," she replied without hesitation, eyes still focused on the scene behind the window.

He clenched his fists. What was wrong with him? Why was he trying so hard to appease her?

"What is it that they have that you want so bad?" he shouted, suddenly overwhelmed by a flood of immense anger. He slammed a hand over her shoulder, feeling the wall crack a little at the impact. Looking terrified at his sudden moment, Y/n just watched him, bewildered and petrified.

"Dream-" she began but stopped herself.

"I always win, but why is it that I never do when it comes to you," Dream whispered. He gave in, resting his forehead against her shoulder, annoyed at himself for doing the things he did, regretting the way he acted. Dream felt a small hand ruffle his hair. He relaxed at the touch, shoulders slumping, exhaling his worries. "Why do you want to go back so bad?"

Why is it that I can't bring myself to let her go? What is it that I'm so scared of losing?

"They're my family. Of course I'd want to see them."

Family. He felt another stampede of bitterness.

"Just forget about them! You're mine now, you belong to me!"

He felt her figure stiffen. She had disrupted her comfort.

"Do you realize what you're asking me to do?"

Y/n's voice was as calm and steady as always, but there was a difference this time. There was an almost indistinguishable hint of weary grief behind it.

"Some people aren't forgettable." She glimpsed at the clock. "It's late, I think it's time for you to leave."

Y/n gave him a strained smile and drove him out the door.


You sighed, laying on the comfortable white sheets on your bed, going over the conversation you had with Dream last night.

Now that I think about it, he's late.

Dream would visit you every morning at 9 to make sure you ate, afraid you would relapse to your old behaviors. It was already 12, but he still hasn't come.

Instead, you were greeted with Eret. Too tired to put a front, you just gave him a withering glower. He seemed surprised at the distance between you two and disheartened by your reaction. He left the tray of food on your bedside table and pulled a chair into the opposite corner of the room. He sat quietly and fiddled awkwardly with his glasses.

"How is your vision?" you finally decided to ask after five uncomfortable minutes of silence. Eret appeared to brighten up a bit at the fact that you started the conversation first.

"It doesn't hurt as much when I use my eyes in bright places anymore," he stammered. "It's been getting better because of the medicine Dream gives me."

Five more minutes of nervous stillness. You conceded, finally taking a spoonful of the soup he had provided for you.

"Dream isn't a bad person."

You stared at Eret. Your gazes met.

"He... was born in the wrong place at the wrong time," he started again. "He was taught that violence was the only way that you could get anything. Emotions were seen as a weakness, and he resolved himself to fix himself and raise himself to their standards."

"Y/n. Please... take care of him." There was an indescribable expression plastered across his face, a blend of pity and sympathy. "He's not a bad person, he just doesn't know how to handle situations properly."

You kept your face still throughout the entire narrative. Taking a sip of water, you inquired a bit too briskly. "Is that all?"

"There is one thing." Eret discontinued his response, hesitant with whatever the rest of the sentence would be.

"Dream has granted you freedom. He tore up the contract."

Your eyes widened, almost dropping the glass you were drinking from.


Eret didn't speak anymore. You approached the door, delaying your leave by taking another glance at him for confirmation. It seemed too good to be true, you were certain that Sapnap or George would jump out from nowhere to stop you.

"He's not going to go after Tommy, Tubbo, or anyone else is he?"

Eret shook his head. "Sapnap and George were also unhappy about your departure, but they agreed that if it was what you wanted they wouldn't prevent it."

"I see."

You proceeded towards the stairs, the occasion feeling surreal.

Now that I'm walking down these hallways, it feels kind of nostalgic.

You drew a small circle on the wall with your fingertips, lingering at the edge of the stair steps.

I've stayed here for so long I guess I got used to this place without thinking.

Your thoughts fluttered to the people you met. Memories of warm smiles and concerned gazes were exhibited like a slideshow.

Or perhaps I'm only feeling like this because of them...?

Shaking your head hard to clear out your thoughts, you stormed down the stairs, concluding that you would leave the same secure and soothing castle that had once felt stuffy and hostile to you.

You stopped at the castle gates, stealing a peek behind you. The wind lifted strands of your hair, flowing elegantly and freely brushing against your cheeks gently. The courtyard was empty.

He didn't come.

Of course he didn't come. Stupid Y/n, thinking Dream even spared an ounce of emotion for you. Despite your reassurances, a bit of you felt dispirited.

There was nothing between us.

You should be relieved. Why did you feel upset instead? With vacant eyes you observed the uninviting forest that awaited you, your heart feeling torn. I would've liked to see him at least one last time before I left.


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