Chapter VIII: Perhaps, It's Love

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Satoru snapped out of his thoughts as he looked at the young girl that was waving her hand in front of his face, "The kids just finished, I don't sense anymore cursed energy coming out of the building. What were you so deep in your thoughts for? You suddenly just stopped talking.." She spoke, mumbling the last few parts of her sentence. 

"You whispered something about you remembering how you first fell in love with me and-" The two were soon interrupted by the three students, and a young boy coming out of the building. "Gojo-Sensei! We found this kid in there and saved him!" Yuji grinned, as he approached the both of you. "Good job, Yuji!" Satoru gave him a big thumbs up, mimicking the same grin Yuji had plastered on his face. 

The other two students just stared at the two, with their facial structures saying 'Is he really a teacher, or is he a kid.' You couldn't help but chuckle to yourself at the sight, after a couple of minutes you tended to the young boy that the trio saved in the building.

You knelt down in front of the child and smiled softly at him. "Where do you live? It's going to get dark soon, you should head back home." The young boy beamed and pointed his finger down the street, "Just down this street!" You nodded, "Well then, show me the way." The two of you headed down the street together and once you got close enough to his house, you watched the young boy wave goodbye. 

While you made sure the young boy headed home safely, Nobara's stomach growled. "Did you know, I get into a foul mood when I'm hungry." Nobara groaned in annoyance, "When are you not in a foul mood.." Yuji remarked, earning a smack on the back of his head. The two then proceeded on fighting, while Megumi rolled his eyes, pondering on the thought as to how he got stuck with these idiots.

"(Y/N), welcome back." Satoru smiled, as you gave him a nod in acknowledgment. "I had to make sure the boy got home safely." He turned to his students, "Now shall we grab some food?" With those words being spoken, both Yuji and Nobara's eyes gleamed. 


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"Leave it all to me! And you Megumi?" The white haired teacher pointed to himself, then to Megumi. But Megumi was too busy being on his phone, ignoring the question that his teacher just asked. "Okay, let's go." Satoru spoke, as he put his arms around Nobara and Yuji and started leaving Megumi behind.

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