XIV: Closure

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"I'm surprised Yaga allowed you to take this trip with me

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"I'm surprised Yaga allowed you to take this trip with me."

You spoke, as you continued packing your belongings and Satoru was leaning against your doorframe. "What can I say, Yaga can't resist me just like everyone else." You scoffed at his silly comment, as you grabbed the last remaining necessities you needed. "He also had a feeling that it might be better to go on this trip with someone with you.. So you've decided to go back on fighting on the front lines." You paused, biting your lower lip, as you hesitated to answer Satoru. "He's right, I have too much of a potential to just stand back, when I could also be out there and helping those who need it the most."

(Y/N) felt arms wrap around her waist from behind, "If you ever want to leave the Jujutsu World, just say the word, I'll drop everything and leave with you." You turned around and reached up to caress the white-haired man's soft cheek, "You can't just leave, you have to change this vice Jujutsu World first, to pave a better future for the upcoming shamans." He reached his hand up, and held the hand that you had on his cheek, as he gave you a soft smile. 

"Yeah, you're right.. We have to make this world better for our children as well.." 

(Y/N) rolled her eyes at his comment, as she tried to pry his arm that was wrapped around her waist off. "C'mon sweetheart, don't you want to become my wifey?" Your face soon became flushed and as he leaned down, trying to kiss you, you put your hand on his mouth. "Stop it Satoru, let me finish packing, or else we'll miss the train." He pouted, gave you a hmph, before he let go of you and turned away. 

When (Y/N) finally finished packing, both Satoru and (Y/N) headed to the train station. You might ask, why not just teleport to their destination? Simple, because (Y/N) didn't want to. She wanted at least a week of normalcy, so the goal of this trip was to try their best not to use their Jujutsu. If they came across curses, then of course they'll have no choice but to use their Jujutsu, but until then- they were going to try to be as normal as possible. 

The two of you eventually got on the train and sat beside each other, you choosing to sit by the window, while Gojo didn't really care, as long as you were happy

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The two of you eventually got on the train and sat beside each other, you choosing to sit by the window, while Gojo didn't really care, as long as you were happy. He reached over your hand and held it in his, you looked at your now intertwined hands, before looking up to him. He didn't have the normal blindfold he would have on, instead, he had black sunglasses on and was wearing casual clothes. 

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