Chapter XXXII: I missed you.

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Satoru stood out of (Y/N)'s hospital room, with a bouquet of sunflowers on his right hand

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Satoru stood out of (Y/N)'s hospital room, with a bouquet of sunflowers on his right hand. It's been a week, maybe a little over, they've honestly lost count for how long she's been asleep. Several students have visited her throughout the days, even the Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event was put in a hiatus, not only to allow (Y/N) to rest, but for the other injured students to recover as well. He released a soft sigh, afraid that if he goes into the room, it'll be the same thing again. Seeing her pale face, as if all blood has been drained out of, as she struggled to live. Just when he thought she'd wake up, he'd only feel the slightest movements of her fingers.

He grit his teeth, tears tempted to spill out of his eyes. He misses her, he misses her soft voice, the way she'd smile, the way she'd cup his face with her gentle hands. How the sight of her laughing made him melt, he wanted hear her laugh again. To see her give him that closed eyed smile, the slight crinkles of her skin on each side of her eyes. The giggle that would erupt throughout the room, as he tickled the life out of her. She'd yell 'stopppp! Satooo!' Seeing her laugh 'till tears spilled out of her eyes, it made his heart flutter. But the thing that she missed the most were her words of comfort, the way she'd look at him directly with her golden orbs, as she whispered.

 But the thing that she missed the most were her words of comfort, the way she'd look at him directly with her golden orbs, as she whispered

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'I love you, Gojo Satoru.'

Then there it was, a single tear slipped past his left eye. He remembered her soft smile that was always ever present on her face, the very moment those words escaped past her lips- she looked so fragile, so beautiful. It hurt to see her barely alive on that hospital bed and he cursed himself for letting her go, for not stopping her from going inside that veil without him. He should've stopped her, he had that lingering sense of dread before he let her go- so why didn't he beg her to stay? 

"Why aren't you going in?" Shoko asked, before she pinched her nose with her index and thumb. "And you reek, Gojo. How much have you been drinking? You don't even like to drink." She eyed the man, clear that he hasn't been getting much sleep the past couple of days, due to the presence of dark circles that emerged under his eyes. "I couldn't sleep. Alcohol was the only thing that helped knock me out, to distract me.." He mumbled under his breath, avoiding her gaze. Shoko pursed her lips into a thin line, "You should go in, Gojo." She paused, before she reached an arm out pat his shoulder. "Right now, she needs you the most by her side." Satoru looked at her, his lips pursed into a thin line as well, before nodding. No other words were exchanged between the two, as Satoru slid the hospital door room open.

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