Chapter XLIV: Asking for Help

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It had been at least a week since the battle in Shibuya

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It had been at least a week since the battle in Shibuya.

Would you say that it was the hardest week of your life, perhaps. But the images replayed in your head, bits and pieces of the horror that you witnessed within the station. You felt numb to it all, despite being severely injured from the battle- you couldn't feel a single thing in your physical body. It was as if the only pain that you felt, would be in your chest. You could hear words being spoken to you, but you just felt like you were so out of your body that you couldn't respond to any of it.

"(Y/N), you're going to have to talk to me." You looked at Shoko, as she stared back at the dark circles that had formed under your eyes and the scratches that were all over your face. "He's dead." Were the only words that had managed to escape your mouth, and Shoko knew exactly who you were talking about. She gently placed her hands on top of yours, "I know." The two of you sat there in solemn silence, Shoko still healing portions of your body.

Nanami Kento

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Nanami Kento.

A man of virtue, perhaps, someone who didn't deserve to die. Yet, who was there left to blame. Would the person to blame be the man that had asked him to come back to work for the Jujutsu world, or would he be to blame for choosing to come back. Nanami Kento may still be with us, if he was never involved in this incident. But, he was never one who chose to stand back if he knew his help were needed. In the end, we may never know if his faith could've been altered.

"All he wanted was to get married, settle down in Malaysia, and read the books that he never got to read.." Then there it was, the trickle of tears flowing down your cheeks. It was cruel, truly. The blonde haired man was the last person you would've expected to leave you all soon, because he didn't deserve it; But no one ever deserved it, not any of you, not Yuu- no one. No one should ever have had to die.

Shoko could only listen to you speak, not knowing what else to do. "They think Gojo's a traitor." She then spoke, breaking the silence that lingered throughout the air. But it wasn't uncommon knowledge, of course he was. The elders had to blame someone. It just so happened that the person they blamed, would be the same one that they had sent out years ago to kill his own best friend. For the sole reason that they believe the let him go, all because Gojo refused to bring back his body- knowing well they weren't going to bury his body; they were going to burn it, tossing aside his ashes. What was once, a hope his friend found peace by leaving his body there, only backfired at him.

"I have to get to Gojo, before anybody else does

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"I have to get to Gojo, before anybody else does."

You spoke, eyes still hazy and unknowing of the future. You were tired. Who wouldn't be in your situation? Your cousin's arm was missing, Nobara's condition is critical, Megumi and Yuji were wounded to the point that they couldn't get up by the end of it; and you couldn't even get started at the injuries that the sister school's students had sustained. It was all a mess. You knew, Gojo would've known what to do in this situation- but you weren't Gojo. You were Hanasaki (Y/N), an illegitimate member of the Kano Clan.

"And how exactly do you intend to do that, (Y/N)?" Shoko asked, as she cleaned up her tools. The young woman stayed quiet for a bit, "... Someone owes me a favor." She smiled at the brown short haired woman, to which the latter rose one eyebrow at her in suspicion.  You knew he'd know the answer, now whether or not he'd help you willingly- you were determined to get the answer you want, even if it meant using force. "You're not planning on doing something dangerous, are you.. (Y/N)?" The brown-eyed woman asked her dear friend, "At this rate Shoko, is there even such a thing as a 'dangerous' plan?" She smiled bitterly, getting off the hospital stretcher.

There were things in this world that you knew you could control, what had happened to Gojo could've been one of them. But you have no choice but to move forward with one goal in mind, release Gojo from the prison realm. You're a leader, you know how to lead your students, how to keep them from harm's away- but you were no Gojo Satoru. A man that thinks twenty steps ahead, despite his outwardly cheerful and carefree demeanor. He would know what to do, how to Save Yuji, how to fix this.

How to put the world back in balance

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How to put the world back in balance.

So here you were, in a place that you should've perhaps never been gone to- a place you thought you wouldn't have to return to after that horrid incident. "Master Tengen." Was all that was needed to be spoken, before the young woman was let into his private chambers. "If it isn't Jujutsu Tech's princess, to what do I have the pleasure?" He spoke, his figure slowly emerging into the light, revealing his evolved human form- after failing to fuse with the star plasma vessel. The young woman took a deep breath, asking for help that she may come to regret later.

"I need your help."


.. Happy New Years...? <3

As always,

Peace ❤

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